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Case Information
Case Description: CR23-2636 - STATE VS. THOMAS JAMES BAKER (D6)
Filing Date: 10/13/2023
Case Type: CR - CRIMINAL
Status: Pending Inactive

Case Cross Reference
Cross Reference Number

Case Parties
Seq Type Name
7 PNP - Parole & Probation Parole & Probation, Div. of
11 DA - District Attorney Ormaas, Esq., Alison M.
12 APD - Alternate Public Defender Crowe, Esq., Amy E.

Event Information
Date/Time Hearing Judge Event Description Outcome
07/10/2024 at 9:00 AM Honorable LYNNE JONES H808 - SENTENCING D572 - Judgment Deferred/ADC filed on: 07/10/2024
Extra Text: 7/10/2024 Sentencing Court Reporter L. Urmston
06/26/2024 at 9:00 AM Honorable LYNNE JONES H808 - SENTENCING D870 - Vacated - Stipulation & Ord filed on: 06/20/2024
Extra Text: 6/20/24 Sentencing set June 26, 2024 VACATED/RESET to July 10, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. - Stipulation/Order to follow (mdc)
05/23/2024 at 9:00 AM Honorable LYNNE JONES H808 - SENTENCING D455 - Heard - Continued Defendant filed on: 05/23/2024
Extra Text: 5/23/24 Sentencing Court Reporter C. Wolden
05/22/2024 at 9:00 AM Honorable LYNNE JONES H808 - SENTENCING D875 - Vacated - Court filed on: 05/15/2024
Extra Text: Sentencing scheduled for May 22, 2024, is vacated and rescheduled for May 23, 2024, to accommodate 2 week criminal trial in D6. Counsel notified by email on May 15, 2024. Application for setting to follow.
04/03/2024 at 9:00 AM Honorable LYNNE JONES H160 - ARRAIGNMENT D655 - Pled Guilty filed on: 04/03/2024
Extra Text: 4/3/24 To Information Court Reporter J. Kernan
03/28/2024 at 9:00 AM Honorable LYNNE JONES H160 - ARRAIGNMENT D455 - Heard - Continued Defendant filed on: 03/28/2024
Extra Text: 3/28/2024:Arraignment Court Reporter: J. Kernan

Docket Entry Information
Docket Description Date Filed Extra Text
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/20/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10519129 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-20-2024:16:05:18
1015 - Acknowledgment of Receipt 08/20/2024 Extra Text: Agreement by Probationer - Transaction 10519120 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-20-2024:16:03:55
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/19/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10459309 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-19-2024:11:15:50
MIN - ***Minutes 07/19/2024 Extra Text: 7/10/24 Sentencing - Transaction 10459304 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-19-2024:11:15:10
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/19/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10459199 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-19-2024:10:53:08
4075 - Substitution of Counsel 07/19/2024 Extra Text: AMY CROWE APD IN PLACE OF KRISHNA PRASAD PD Transaction 10459197 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-19-2024:10:52:39
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/18/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10458358 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-18-2024:16:17:05
4075 - Substitution of Counsel 07/18/2024 Extra Text: SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL FOR THE STATE ALISON ORMAAS DA IN PLACE OF HILLARY BUNKER DA Transaction 10458356 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-18-2024:16:14:52
2670 - Ord Admit Deft Prob w/Terms 07/11/2024 Extra Text: 7/10/2024 Sentencing - Transaction 10442746 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-11-2024:07:41:23
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/11/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10442745 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-11-2024:07:41:05
1386 - Chapter 176A.230 Ord 07/11/2024 Extra Text: 7/10/2024 Sentencing - Transaction 10442742 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-11-2024:07:40:35
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/11/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10442748 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-11-2024:07:41:52
COLL - Sent to Collections 07/10/2024 Extra Text: 10-JUL-2024
3706 - Pretrial Court Note 07/05/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10433161 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-05-2024:13:30:29
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/05/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10433164 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-05-2024:13:31:00
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/25/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10415137 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-25-2024:12:13:59
3020 - Ord Granting Continuance 06/25/2024 Extra Text: Order Continuing Sentencing (First Request) - Transaction 10415128 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-25-2024:12:12:56
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/20/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10406918 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-20-2024:13:59:55
4045 - Stipulation to Continuance 06/20/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10406906 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-20-2024:13:58:59
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/19/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10404860 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-19-2024:10:46:33
MIN - ***Minutes 06/19/2024 Extra Text: 5/23/24 Sentencing - Transaction 10404858 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-19-2024:10:46:06
1652 - Evaluations 05/21/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL SUBSTANCE ABUSE EVALUATION PER HIPAA - Transaction 10346361 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-21-2024:14:13:45
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/21/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10346370 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-21-2024:14:14:41
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/16/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10336827 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-16-2024:09:16:43
1250 - Application for Setting 05/16/2024 Extra Text: SENTENCING 5/23/2024 @9:00 Transaction 10336824 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-16-2024:09:14:34
4500 - PSI - Confidential 05/15/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10335810 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-15-2024:14:31:05
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/15/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10335813 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-15-2024:14:31:51
MIN - ***Minutes 04/10/2024 Extra Text: 4/3/24 Arraignment - Transaction 10264974 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-10-2024:09:39:12
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/10/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10265031 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-10-2024:09:42:30
3707 - Pretrial Release Contract 04/04/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10256702 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-04-2024:07:11:40
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/04/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10256703 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-04-2024:07:12:20
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/03/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10255333 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-03-2024:12:14:43
1785 - Guilty Plea Memo/Agreement 04/03/2024 Extra Text: 4-3-24 Arraignment - Transaction 10255331 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-03-2024:12:14:15
2490 - Motion ... 04/01/2024 Extra Text: MOTION TO MODIFY RELEASE CONDITIONS - Transaction 10251101 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 04-01-2024:14:56:07
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/01/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10251112 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-01-2024:14:56:40
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/28/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10246086 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-28-2024:16:21:24
MIN - ***Minutes 03/28/2024 Extra Text: 3/28/2024: Arraignment - Transaction 10246080 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-28-2024:16:20:47
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/22/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10234299 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-22-2024:11:46:20
3706 - Pretrial Court Note 03/22/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10234297 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-22-2024:11:45:43
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/20/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10229110 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-20-2024:11:38:15
4075 - Substitution of Counsel 03/20/2024 Extra Text: SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL WITHIN PUBLIC DEFENDER’S OFFICE KRISHNA PRASAD PD IN PLACE OF ERIC WATSON PD Transaction 10229241 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-20-2024:12:22:37
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/20/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10229243 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-20-2024:12:23:08
4105 - Supplemental ... 03/20/2024 Extra Text: SUPPLEMENTAL PROCEEDINGS Transcripts - Transaction 10229108 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-20-2024:11:37:37
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/13/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10215518 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-13-2024:14:11:44
1800 - Information 03/13/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10215506 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-13-2024:14:10:07
3870 - Request 03/13/2024 Extra Text: REQUEST FOR DISCOVERY PURSUANT TO NRS 174.245 - Transaction 10215506 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-13-2024:14:10:07
3700 - Proceedings 03/11/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10210285 - Approved By: BBLOUGH : 03-11-2024:15:05:22
2522 - Notice of Bindover 03/11/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10210285 - Approved By: BBLOUGH : 03-11-2024:15:05:22
2587 - Notice of Setting 03/11/2024 Extra Text: 03-28-2024 @ 9:00 AM- IN CUSTODY ARRAIGNMENT - Transaction 10210350 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-11-2024:15:12:23
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/11/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10210355 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-11-2024:15:13:23
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/11/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10210314 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-11-2024:15:06:10
3843 - Request for Early Case Assignment 10/13/2023 Extra Text: CASE ASSIGNED TO D6 DUE TO ODOJ - Transaction 9941345 - Approved By: BBLOUGH : 10-16-2023:07:39:42

Notice: This is NOT an Official Court Record