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Case Information
Case Description: CV22-01461 - REBECCA KASTNER VS TAYLOR CARRAHER, ET AL (D10)
Filing Date: 09/08/2022
Case Type: VP - AUTO
Status: Case Disposed

Case Cross Reference
Cross Reference Number
No Cross Reference Numbers Available

Case Parties
Seq Type Name
2 ATTY - Attorney Alexander, Esq., Todd R.
6 ATTY - Attorney Zaniel, Esq., David M.
8 ATTY - Attorney Barker, Esq., Katherine M.

Event Information
Date/Time Hearing Judge Event Description Outcome
07/09/2024 at 9:00 AM Honorable KATHLEEN SIGURDSON H852 - TRIAL - JURY D870 - Vacated - Stipulation & Ord filed on: 10/05/2023
Extra Text:
06/06/2024 at 9:00 AM Honorable KATHLEEN SIGURDSON H536 - MOTION TO CONFIRM TRIAL D870 - Vacated - Stipulation & Ord filed on: 10/05/2023
Extra Text:
10/03/2023 at 2:13 PM Honorable KATHLEEN SIGURDSON S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 10/05/2023
Extra Text:
05/05/2023 at 3:56 PM Honorable KATHLEEN SIGURDSON S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 05/23/2023

Docket Entry Information
Docket Description Date Filed Extra Text
CHECK - **Trust Disbursement 10/17/2023 Extra Text: A Disbursement of $320.00 on Check Number 15387
F120 - Stipulated Dismissal 10/06/2023 Extra Text:
3990 - Stip & Ord Dismiss W/Prejudice 10/05/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9924853 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-05-2023:08:03:23
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/05/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9924857 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-05-2023:08:04:34
3860 - Request for Submission 10/03/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9921205 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-03-2023:13:58:22 DOCUMENT TITLE: STIPULATION AND ORDER PARTY SUBMITTING: DAVID ZANIEL DATE SUBMITTED: 10/03/2023 SUBMITTED BY: MS DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/03/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9921212 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-03-2023:13:59:01
CHECK - **Trust Disbursement 06/27/2023 Extra Text: A Disbursement of $320.00 on Check Number 15018
2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 06/13/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9719343 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-13-2023:09:20:26
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/13/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9719004 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-13-2023:07:09:09
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/13/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9719350 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-13-2023:09:21:49
2920 - Ord for Dismissal... 06/13/2023 Extra Text: DISMISSAL OF DEFENDANT TAYLOR CARRAHER - Transaction 9719003 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-13-2023:07:08:29
4050 - Stipulation ... 06/08/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9712317 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-08-2023:12:46:25
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/08/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9712319 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-08-2023:12:46:57
2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 05/24/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9686244 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-24-2023:14:34:35
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/24/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9686245 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-24-2023:14:35:02
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/23/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9682048 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-23-2023:08:13:52
3060 - Ord Granting Mtn ... 05/23/2023 Extra Text: ORDER GRANTING MOTION FOR GOOD FAITH SETTLEMENT - Transaction 9682046 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-23-2023:08:13:32
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/16/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9670488 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-16-2023:16:06:37
2582 - Notice of Taking Deposition 05/16/2023 Extra Text: Notice of Taking Deposition of Defendant/Cross-Claimant, Alexander Petlowany - Transaction 9670484 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-16-2023:16:05:56
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/11/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9662249 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-11-2023:11:41:56
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/11/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9662004 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-11-2023:10:57:33
2589 - Notice of Stricken Document 05/11/2023 Extra Text: DOCUMENT DOES NOT HAVE AFFIRMATION - Transaction 9661989 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-11-2023:10:56:23
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/11/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9661935 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-11-2023:10:41:34
1813 - Interrogatories 05/11/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9661931 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-11-2023:10:40:40
1813 - Interrogatories 05/11/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9661931 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-11-2023:10:40:40
3870 - Request 05/11/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9661931 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-11-2023:10:40:40
3870 - Request 05/11/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9661931 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-11-2023:10:40:40
3870 - Request 05/11/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9661931 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-11-2023:10:40:40
3870 - Request 05/11/2023 Extra Text: The Clerk of the Court hereby strikes the REQUEST filed by DAVID ZANIEL on 05/11/2023 (Transaction No. 9661931) from the case for the following reason(s): Document does not have an Affirmation Transaction 9661931 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-11-2023:10:40:40
3870 - Request 05/11/2023 Extra Text: Def RPD to Carraher - Transaction 9662247 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-11-2023:11:41:19
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/10/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9659161 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-10-2023:09:18:40
2610 - Notice ... 05/10/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9659159 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-10-2023:09:18:11
1835 - Joint Case Conference Report 05/08/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9653652 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-08-2023:07:46:08
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/08/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9653654 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-08-2023:07:46:38
1250E - Application for Setting eFile 05/05/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9651632 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-05-2023:09:48:23
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/05/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9651633 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-05-2023:09:49:05
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/05/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9653081 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-05-2023:15:57:41
3860 - Request for Submission 05/05/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9653078 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-05-2023:15:57:12 DOCUMENT TITLE: MOTION FOR GOOD PARTY SUBMITTING: KATHERINE BARKER ESQ. DATE SUBMITTED: 05/05/2023 SUBMITTED BY: MS DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
2610 - Notice ... 04/26/2023 Extra Text: OF WITHDRAWAL OF STIPULATION TO ASSIGN MATTER TO ARBITRATION - Transaction 9634931 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-26-2023:13:39:22
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/26/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9634949 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-26-2023:13:40:49
2501 - Non-Opposition ... 04/12/2023 Extra Text: Plaintiff's Non-Opposition to Defendant Taylor Carraher Motion for Good Faith Settlement - Transaction 9608240 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-12-2023:10:37:45
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/12/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9608243 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-12-2023:10:38:13
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/11/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9607095 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-11-2023:16:02:45
2490 - Motion ... 04/11/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9607039 - Approved By: MSALAZAR : 04-11-2023:16:01:47
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/21/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9571663 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-21-2023:16:34:33
4050 - Stipulation ... 03/21/2023 Extra Text: to Assign Matter to Arbitration - Transaction 9571656 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-21-2023:16:33:52
2529 - Notice of Early Case Conferenc 01/12/2023 Extra Text: Notice of Supplemental Early Case Conference - Transaction 9452697 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-12-2023:09:27:15
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/12/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9452705 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-12-2023:09:28:13
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/10/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9448052 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-10-2023:10:44:54
1155 - Answer to Cross Claim 01/10/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9448006 - Approved By: MSALAZAR : 01-10-2023:10:44:20
1360 - Certificate of Service 12/09/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9402075 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-09-2022:12:31:08
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/09/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9402076 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-09-2022:12:31:48
1130 - Answer ... 12/08/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9400712 - Approved By: MSALAZAR : 12-08-2022:16:15:19
$1560 - $Def 1st Appearance - CV 12/08/2022 Extra Text: TAYLOR CARRAHER - Transaction 9400712 - Approved By: MSALAZAR : 12-08-2022:16:15:19
PAYRC - **Payment Receipted 12/08/2022 Extra Text: A Payment of $208.00 was made on receipt DCDC706891.
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/08/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9400789 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-08-2022:16:15:44
1580 - Demand for Jury 12/08/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9400722 - Approved By: MSALAZAR : 12-08-2022:16:16:34
PAYRC - **Payment Receipted 12/08/2022 Extra Text: A Payment of $320.00 was made on receipt DCDC706892.
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/08/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9400793 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-08-2022:16:17:04
JF - **First Day Jury Fees Deposit 12/08/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9400722 - Approved By: MSALAZAR : 12-08-2022:16:16:34
1075 - Affidavit ... 11/17/2022 Extra Text: DFX: MISSING INDEX OF EXHIBITS; EXHIBITS PRESENTED INCORRECTLY Affidavit of Compliance Regarding Defendant, Taylor Carraher - Transaction 9367604 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-17-2022:10:59:39
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/17/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9367613 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-17-2022:11:00:39
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9343926 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-03-2022:08:59:48
JF - **First Day Jury Fees Deposit 11/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9343919 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 11-03-2022:08:59:15
1580 - Demand for Jury 11/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9343919 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 11-03-2022:08:59:15
PAYRC - **Payment Receipted 11/03/2022 Extra Text: A Payment of $320.00 was made on receipt DCDC704353.
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/02/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9342745 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-02-2022:14:20:18
3696 - Pre-Trial Order 11/02/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9342740 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-02-2022:14:19:37
2529 - Notice of Early Case Conferenc 11/01/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9339253 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-01-2022:09:40:43
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/01/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9339257 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-01-2022:09:41:25
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/27/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9334163 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-27-2022:11:36:51
A120 - Exemption from Arbitration 10/27/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9334156 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-27-2022:11:35:59
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/25/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9330268 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-25-2022:14:34:11
1075 - Affidavit ... 10/25/2022 Extra Text: Affidavit of Due Diligence Re: Taylor Carraher - Transaction 9330263 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-25-2022:14:31:40
2520 - Notice of Appearance 10/10/2022 Extra Text: DAVID ZANIEL ESQ FOR ALEXANDER PETLOWANY - Transaction 9302588 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 10-10-2022:09:49:13
$1560 - $Def 1st Appearance - CV 10/10/2022 Extra Text: ALEXANDER PETLOWANY - Transaction 9302588 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 10-10-2022:09:49:13
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9302613 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-10-2022:09:50:00
PAYRC - **Payment Receipted 10/10/2022 Extra Text: A Payment of $208.00 was made on receipt DCDC702121.
1130 - Answer ... 09/28/2022 Extra Text: and Cross-Claim - Transaction 9283604 - Approved By: MSALAZAR : 09-28-2022:11:39:08
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/28/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9284136 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-28-2022:11:39:35
PAYRC - **Payment Receipted 09/08/2022 Extra Text: A Payment of $255.00 was made on receipt DCDC698860.
4090 - ** Summons Issued 09/08/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9249750 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 09-08-2022:14:23:46
1817 - Initial Appear. Fee Disclosure 09/08/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9249750 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 09-08-2022:14:23:46
$1425 - $Complaint - Civil 09/08/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9249750 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 09-08-2022:14:23:46

Notice: This is NOT an Official Court Record