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Case Information
Case Description: FV06-04115 - CHRISTA PEPPER VS JEFFERY JONES
Filing Date: 10/17/2006
Status: Case Disposed

Case Cross Reference
Cross Reference Number
No Cross Reference Numbers Available

Case Parties
Seq Type Name
2 JUDG - Judge VACANT, .

Event Information
Date/Time Hearing Judge Event Description Outcome
09/12/2019 at 9:20 AM Honorable . VACANT H476 - MOTION TO MODIFY D425 - Granted filed on: 09/12/2019
11/09/2017 at 9:30 AM Honorable . VACANT H476 - MOTION TO MODIFY D425 - Granted filed on: 11/09/2017
08/09/2007 at 9:30 AM Honorable . VACANT H620 - NOTICE OF INTENT TO ENFORCE D845 - Vacated filed on: 06/11/2007

Docket Entry Information
Docket Description Date Filed Extra Text
4300 - Withdrawal of Counsel 08/01/2024 Extra Text: W. Kathleen Baker and Timothy S. Summers Transaction 10483926 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-01-2024:15:53:29
3780 - Release of Judgment Lien 08/01/2024 Extra Text: 27th day of September, 2019 Transaction 10483926 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-01-2024:15:53:29
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/01/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10483940 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-01-2024:15:54:58
3780 - Release of Judgment Lien 08/01/2024 Extra Text: 4th day of December, 2017 Transaction 10483926 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-01-2024:15:53:29
3780 - Release of Judgment Lien 08/01/2024 Extra Text: 17th day of August, 2017 Transaction 10483926 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-01-2024:15:53:29
F255 - Setld/Withdrn with Jud Conf/Hg 09/27/2019 Extra Text:
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/27/2019 Extra Text: Transaction 7507703 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-27-2019:08:53:30
1945 - Master's Recommendation/Ord 09/27/2019 Extra Text: MASTER'S FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS; NOTICE OF ENTRY OF ORDER - Transaction 7507700 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-27-2019:08:51:37
1940 - Master's Findings/Recommend 09/12/2019 Extra Text: MASTER'S FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - Transaction 7480625 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-12-2019:10:33:32
MIN - ***Minutes 09/12/2019 Extra Text: MOTION TO MODIFY 09/12/2019 - Transaction 7480630 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-12-2019:10:34:19
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/12/2019 Extra Text: Transaction 7480629 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-12-2019:10:34:16
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/12/2019 Extra Text: Transaction 7480633 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-12-2019:10:35:23
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/12/2019 Extra Text: Transaction 7480634 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-12-2019:10:35:22
1356 - Certificate of Mailing 09/12/2019 Extra Text: Transaction 7480631 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-12-2019:10:34:26
2380 - Mtn to Modify ... 07/11/2019 Extra Text: MOTION FOR REVIEW AND MODIFICATION; NOTICE OF HEARING - Transaction 7368731 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 07-11-2019:16:13:52
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/11/2019 Extra Text: Transaction 7368888 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-11-2019:16:15:25
F255 - Setld/Withdrn with Jud Conf/Hg 12/04/2017 Extra Text:
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/04/2017 Extra Text: Transaction 6421072 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-04-2017:12:35:59
1945 - Master's Recommendation/Ord 12/04/2017 Extra Text: MASTER'S FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS; NOTICE OF ENTRY OF ORDER - Transaction 6421068 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-04-2017:12:35:00
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/09/2017 Extra Text: Transaction 6388421 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-09-2017:10:42:44
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/09/2017 Extra Text: Transaction 6388420 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-09-2017:10:42:25
1940 - Master's Findings/Recommend 11/09/2017 Extra Text: MASTER'S FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - Transaction 6388417 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-09-2017:10:41:54
MIN - ***Minutes 11/09/2017 Extra Text: MOTION TO MODIFY 11/09/2017 - Transaction 6388414 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-09-2017:10:41:24
1356 - Certificate of Mailing 11/09/2017 Extra Text: Transaction 6388406 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 11-09-2017:10:54:50
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/09/2017 Extra Text: Transaction 6389688 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-09-2017:15:17:11
2520 - Notice of Appearance 11/09/2017 Extra Text: W. KATHLEEN BAKER DA AND KARI LEPORI CORDISCO DA / WASHOE COUNTY - Transaction 6389364 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 11-09-2017:15:16:22
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/09/2017 Extra Text: Transaction 6388470 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-09-2017:10:55:36
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/17/2017 Extra Text: Transaction 6351750 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-17-2017:16:42:17
2557 - Not/Find of Review/Adj of Ord 10/17/2017 Extra Text: NOTICE AND FINDING OF REVIEW AND ADJUSTMENT OF SUPPORT ORDER and NOTICE OF HEARING 11/09/17 @9:30 - Transaction 6351518 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 10-17-2017:16:41:20
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/13/2010 Extra Text: Transaction 1777710 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-13-2010:10:53:03
2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 10/13/2010 Extra Text: Transaction 1777636 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-13-2010:10:44:53
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/04/2010 Extra Text: Transaction 1755566 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-04-2010:08:14:09
1315 - ** Case Closed 10/04/2010 Extra Text:
1555 - Default Judgment 10/04/2010 Extra Text: Transaction 1755556 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-04-2010:08:11:43
1037 - Affidavit of Default 09/28/2010 Extra Text: Transaction 1745509 - Approved By: MBEST : 09-28-2010:11:09:07
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/28/2010 Extra Text: Transaction 1745580 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-28-2010:11:11:09
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/02/2010 Extra Text: Transaction 1695068 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-02-2010:09:01:36
2555 - Notice of Intent to Enforce... 09/02/2010 Extra Text: Transaction 1695004 - Approved By: AZION : 09-02-2010:08:58:32
3780 - Release of Judgment Lien 06/09/2008 Extra Text:
2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 09/10/2007 Extra Text:
F215 - Decision Without Trial/Hearing 08/17/2007 Extra Text:
3980 - Stip and Order... 08/17/2007 Extra Text:
4240 - Vacate Sheet 06/13/2007 Extra Text: HRG 8/9/07 @ 9:30 AM VACATED AS PARTIES SIGNED A STIPULATION.
2550 - Notice of Hearing 05/22/2007 Extra Text: AUGUST 9, 2007 AT 0930 JANICE HUBBARD, WCDA
200 - **Entire File Imaged** 10/17/2006 Extra Text: PUBLIC DOCUMENTS
2555 - Notice of Intent to Enforce... 10/17/2006 Extra Text:
COV - **Civil Cover Sheet 10/17/2006 Extra Text:
F230 - Other Manner of Disposition 10/17/2006 Extra Text:

Notice: This is NOT an Official Court Record