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Case Information
Case Description: GR20-00258 - GUARD: ARIES ALAN LEUCHTERS (D14)
Filing Date: 08/14/2020
Status: Disposed / Set For Review

Case Cross Reference
Cross Reference Number
No Cross Reference Numbers Available

Case Parties
Seq Type Name
4 PP - Protected Person LEUCHTERS, ARIES
9 CAA - Court Appointed Attorney Christie, Esq., Jennifer
11 GRDN - Guardian DAVIS, DAWN J

Event Information
Date/Time Hearing Judge Event Description Outcome
08/06/2024 at 11:30 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT H788 - REVIEW HEARING D640 - Ord Entered filed on: 08/06/2024
07/29/2024 at 2:38 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 07/31/2024
Extra Text:
05/15/2024 at 12:41 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 05/17/2024
Extra Text:
04/04/2024 at 2:30 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT HP26 - OTHER PROB/TRST/GDSHP HRG D435 - Heard ... filed on: 04/04/2024
03/26/2024 at 9:45 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 04/01/2024
Extra Text:
03/01/2024 at 10:45 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT H788 - REVIEW HEARING D260 - Continue Present Status filed on: 03/01/2024
03/01/2024 at 7:54 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 03/04/2024
Extra Text:
02/25/2024 at 7:47 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S2 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 02/26/2024
Extra Text:
02/25/2024 at 7:47 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 02/26/2024
Extra Text:
02/22/2024 at 11:27 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 02/26/2024
Extra Text:
01/30/2024 at 6:20 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 02/01/2024
Extra Text:
01/30/2024 at 6:20 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S2 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 02/01/2024
Extra Text:
01/09/2024 at 2:08 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 01/16/2024
Extra Text:
07/20/2023 at 8:51 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 08/21/2023
Extra Text:
03/16/2023 at 6:57 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 03/21/2023
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01/17/2023 at 11:11 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 01/25/2023
Extra Text:
12/19/2022 at 7:34 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 12/29/2022
Extra Text:
11/17/2022 at 11:00 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT H788 - REVIEW HEARING D640 - Ord Entered filed on: 11/17/2022
11/11/2022 at 6:49 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S2 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 11/14/2022
Extra Text:
11/10/2022 at 8:13 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 11/14/2022
Extra Text:
10/25/2022 at 3:39 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 11/07/2022
Extra Text:
09/28/2022 at 3:24 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S2 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 11/14/2022
Extra Text:
09/28/2022 at 12:16 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 11/14/2022
Extra Text:
09/20/2022 at 7:44 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 11/14/2022
Extra Text:
09/08/2022 at 9:00 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT H788 - REVIEW HEARING D435 - Heard ... filed on: 09/08/2022
05/19/2022 at 10:00 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT H316 - EVIDENTIARY HEARING D640 - Ord Entered filed on: 05/19/2022
05/18/2022 at 1:46 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 05/27/2022
Extra Text:
05/18/2022 at 1:47 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S2 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 05/27/2022
Extra Text:
05/15/2022 at 3:12 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 05/27/2022
Extra Text:
05/12/2022 at 9:45 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 05/27/2022
Extra Text:
05/10/2022 at 9:11 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 05/27/2022
Extra Text:
03/15/2022 at 1:30 PM Honorable Melissa Mangiaracina JVDM - Family Services Mediation D119 - Ancillary Issued Resolved filed on: 03/15/2022
Extra Text: Mediation Successful
03/03/2022 at 1:30 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT HP23 - PET/TERM/GDSHP D845 - Vacated filed on: 02/15/2022
Extra Text:
02/10/2022 at 2:00 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT HP26 - OTHER PROB/TRST/GDSHP HRG D640 - Ord Entered filed on: 02/10/2022
02/03/2022 at 8:51 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 02/09/2022
01/27/2022 at 6:38 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S2 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 02/09/2022
Extra Text:
01/27/2022 at 6:42 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S3 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 02/09/2022
Extra Text:
01/27/2022 at 6:36 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 02/10/2022
12/28/2021 at 6:55 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S2 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 01/10/2022
Extra Text:
12/28/2021 at 6:09 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 01/10/2022
Extra Text:
11/08/2021 at 2:43 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 12/06/2021
Extra Text:
11/05/2021 at 1:49 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 12/06/2021
Extra Text:
10/15/2021 at 8:46 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 12/06/2021
Extra Text:
10/10/2021 at 2:20 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 10/22/2021
Extra Text:
10/07/2021 at 3:21 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 11/03/2021
Extra Text:
09/03/2021 at 3:05 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 10/04/2021
Extra Text:
05/11/2021 at 9:00 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT H788 - REVIEW HEARING D260 - Continue Present Status filed on: 05/11/2021
04/22/2021 at 4:32 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 04/23/2021
Extra Text:
04/01/2021 at 12:41 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 04/23/2021
Extra Text:
11/24/2020 at 1:30 PM Honorable Katherine Berning JVDM - Family Services Mediation D119 - Ancillary Issued Resolved filed on: 11/24/2020
Extra Text: Mediation Successful
10/22/2020 at 3:00 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT H844 - TRIAL - NON JURY D425 - Granted filed on: 10/22/2020
10/08/2020 at 10:00 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT HP7 - PET/APPT/GDN/MINOR D844 - Vacated - Reset filed on: 08/26/2020
Extra Text:
09/21/2020 at 11:43 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 09/22/2020
Extra Text:
09/21/2020 at 11:44 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S2 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 09/22/2020
Extra Text:
09/20/2020 at 7:54 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 09/22/2020
Extra Text:
09/18/2020 at 10:58 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 09/21/2020
Extra Text:
09/17/2020 at 3:01 PM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 09/22/2020
Extra Text:
09/15/2020 at 1:30 PM Honorable Ann Wilson JVDM - Family Services Mediation D119 - Ancillary Issued Resolved filed on: 09/15/2020
Extra Text: Mediation Unsuccessful
09/02/2020 at 9:46 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT S1 - Request for Submission S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 09/04/2020
Extra Text:
08/25/2020 at 9:30 AM Honorable TAMATHA SCHREINERT HP4 - EXTEND/TEMP GDSHP D425 - Granted filed on: 08/25/2020

Docket Entry Information
Docket Description Date Filed Extra Text
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 08/29/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 8.13.24 - Transaction 10536051 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-29-2024:11:44:55
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/29/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10536057 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-29-2024:11:45:51
2700 - Ord After Hearing... 08/16/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10512861 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-16-2024:12:25:59
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/16/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10512873 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-16-2024:12:27:36
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 08/14/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 8.4.24 - Transaction 10508439 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-14-2024:15:18:45
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/14/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10508443 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-14-2024:15:19:36
MIN - ***Minutes 08/13/2024 Extra Text: 08-06-24 GUARDIANSHIP - Transaction 10504904 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-13-2024:14:20:03
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/13/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10504917 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-13-2024:14:21:24
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/05/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10489221 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-05-2024:16:21:39
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/05/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10488541 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-05-2024:14:00:41
1105 - Amended Ord and/or Judgment 08/05/2024 Extra Text: AMENDED ORDER GRANTING EX PARTE MOTION; ORDER PERMITTING DAWN DAVIS TO APPEAR VIA ZOOM AT REVIEW HEARING - Transaction 10488520 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-05-2024:13:58:52
1020 - Addendum 08/05/2024 Extra Text: ADDENDUM TO PROOF OF EXHIBITS Transaction 10489212 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-05-2024:16:20:21
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/02/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10485092 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-02-2024:11:20:48
1395 - Citation To Appear 08/02/2024 Extra Text: 8/6/24 @ 1130 - Transaction 10486049 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-02-2024:14:33:58
3635 - Pet to Terminate Guardianship 08/02/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10484956 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 08-02-2024:11:19:49
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/02/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10486058 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-02-2024:14:34:54
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/31/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10480179 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-31-2024:11:24:24
3105 - Ord Granting ... 07/31/2024 Extra Text: EX PARTE MOTION; ORDER PERMITTING DAWN DAVIS TO APPEAR VIA ZOOM AT REVIEW HEARING - Transaction 10480156 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-31-2024:11:21:16
3720 - Proof of Service 07/29/2024 Extra Text: T. LEUCHTERS, JAMIE ALBERTER, AND JEN CHRISTIE, ESQ. - Transaction 10475672 - Approved By: EGUADRON : 07-29-2024:14:59:34
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/29/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10475797 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-29-2024:15:01:10
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/25/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10470017 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-25-2024:12:49:28
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 07/25/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 7.24.24 - Transaction 10470014 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-25-2024:12:48:29
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/23/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10464126 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-23-2024:09:58:57
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 07/23/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 7.19.24 - Transaction 10464119 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-23-2024:09:57:51
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 07/16/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 7.12.24 - Transaction 10453516 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-16-2024:17:56:04
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/16/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10453518 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-16-2024:17:58:07
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/09/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10438313 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-09-2024:11:23:30
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 07/09/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 7.5.24 - Transaction 10438306 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-09-2024:11:22:48
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/27/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10419847 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-27-2024:10:44:15
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 06/27/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 6.25.24 - Transaction 10419839 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-27-2024:10:43:21
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/21/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10407980 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-21-2024:07:46:02
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 06/21/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 6.18.24 - Transaction 10407973 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-21-2024:07:45:06
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/21/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10407954 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-21-2024:07:33:43
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 06/21/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 6.14.24 - Transaction 10407951 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-21-2024:07:32:45
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 06/18/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 6.8.24 - Transaction 10402096 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-18-2024:09:27:30
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/18/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10402101 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-18-2024:09:28:34
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/03/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10370027 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-03-2024:09:58:00
2924 - Ord for Drug Screen 06/03/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10370020 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-03-2024:09:56:32
3105 - Ord Granting ... 05/17/2024 Extra Text: ORDER GRANTING EX PARTE MOTION TO REINSTATE DRUG TESTING - Transaction 10340416 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-17-2024:12:08:45
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/17/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10340418 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-17-2024:12:09:35
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/15/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10335529 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-15-2024:13:18:11
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/07/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10319030 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-07-2024:14:05:16
2490 - Motion ... 05/07/2024 Extra Text: MOTION REQUEST REGARDING DRUG HEARING - Transaction 10319005 - Approved By: EGUADRON : 05-07-2024:14:03:34
3720 - Proof of Service 05/07/2024 Extra Text: DAWN DAVIS 5/7/24 - Transaction 10319005 - Approved By: EGUADRON : 05-07-2024:14:03:34
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/24/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10295998 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-24-2024:16:28:08
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 04/24/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – CUMULATIVE RESULTS JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 4.23.24 - Transaction 10295983 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-24-2024:16:25:39
2700 - Ord After Hearing... 04/10/2024 Extra Text: ORDER AFTER HEARING HELD APRIL 4, 2024; ORDER SETTING REVIEW HEARING - Transaction 10263689 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-10-2024:07:36:31
MIN - ***Minutes 04/10/2024 Extra Text: 04-04-2024 - Transaction 10267125 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-10-2024:14:20:12
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/10/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10267134 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-10-2024:14:21:12
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/10/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10263703 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-10-2024:07:37:46
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/01/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10250512 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-01-2024:12:52:10
3370 - Order ... 04/01/2024 Extra Text: ORDER ACKNOWLEDGING REQUEST FOR SUBMISSION - Transaction 10250510 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-01-2024:12:51:26
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 03/29/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 3.27.24 - Transaction 10248745 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-29-2024:15:55:13
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/29/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10248748 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-29-2024:15:56:09
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 03/28/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 3.22.24 - Transaction 10244217 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-28-2024:11:11:43
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/28/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10244230 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-28-2024:11:13:21
2645 - Opposition to Mtn ... 03/26/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10239277 - Approved By: EGUADRON : 03-26-2024:09:43:49
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/26/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10239307 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-26-2024:09:44:51
3720 - Proof of Service 03/26/2024 Extra Text: DAWN DAVIS 3/26/24; DFX: CASE NUMBER WRITTEN INCORRECTLY - Transaction 10239277 - Approved By: EGUADRON : 03-26-2024:09:43:49
3860 - Request for Submission 03/26/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10239312 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-26-2024:09:45:52 DOCUMENT TITLE: OPPOSITION TO MOTION PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN J. DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 3/26/24 SUBMITTED BY: EG DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/26/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10239316 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-26-2024:09:46:30
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 03/20/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 3.10.24 - Transaction 10229228 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-20-2024:12:17:47
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/20/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10229230 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-20-2024:12:18:37
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 03/05/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 3.2.24 - Transaction 10198945 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-05-2024:14:12:53
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/05/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10198949 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-05-2024:14:13:47
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/04/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10196829 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-04-2024:17:22:24
3060 - Ord Granting Mtn ... 03/04/2024 Extra Text: ORDER GRANTING EX PARTE MOTION TO MOVE COURT FROM ZOOM TO IN PERSON - Transaction 10196826 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-04-2024:17:21:44
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/04/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10194329 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-04-2024:08:15:38
3860 - Request for Submission 03/01/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10194037 - Approved By: EGUADRON : 03-04-2024:08:14:39 DOCUMENT TITLE: EX PARTE MOTION PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN J. DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 3/1/24 SUBMITTED BY: EG DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
2777 - Ord Approving ... 03/01/2024 Extra Text: ORDER APPROVING THREE-YEAR REVIEW HEARING - Transaction 10192196 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-01-2024:11:11:34
3720 - Proof of Service 03/01/2024 Extra Text: J. ALBERTER, T. LEUCHTERS, AND J. CHRISTIE 3/1/24 - Transaction 10194037 - Approved By: EGUADRON : 03-04-2024:08:14:39
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/01/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10192210 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-01-2024:11:12:58
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/27/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10182739 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-27-2024:10:13:03
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 02/27/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 2.21.24 - Transaction 10182731 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-27-2024:10:11:51
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/26/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10182008 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-26-2024:17:51:08
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/26/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10179255 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-26-2024:08:46:47
3370 - Order ... 02/26/2024 Extra Text: ORDER ACKNOWLEDGING REQUEST FOR SUBMISSION - Transaction 10182007 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-26-2024:17:50:27
2490 - Motion ... 02/25/2024 Extra Text: MOTION FOR CASE UPDATES - Transaction 10179006 - Approved By: EGUADRON : 02-26-2024:08:45:08
2525 - Notice of Change of Address 02/25/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10178922 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-25-2024:19:34:58
3720 - Proof of Service 02/25/2024 Extra Text: DAWN DAVIS 2/25/24 - Transaction 10179006 - Approved By: EGUADRON : 02-26-2024:08:45:08
3373 - Other ... 02/25/2024 Extra Text: EMAIL AFTER FILED REVIEW HEARING STATEMENT Transaction 10178931 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-25-2024:19:57:48
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/25/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10178933 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-25-2024:19:58:32
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/25/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10178927 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-25-2024:19:48:28
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/25/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10178923 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-25-2024:19:35:38
3860 - Request for Submission 02/25/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10178931 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-25-2024:19:57:48 DOCUMENT TITLE: OTHER - EXHIBIT 8 ADDEDUM FOR 3/1/24 REVIEW HEARING PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN J. DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 2/25/24 SUBMITTED BY: EG DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
3860 - Request for Submission 02/25/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10178926 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-25-2024:19:47:50 DOCUMENT TITLE: CHANGE OF ADDRESS PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN J. DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 2/25/24 SUBMITTED BY: EG DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/22/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10174163 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-22-2024:11:31:35
3860 - Request for Submission 02/22/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10174142 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-22-2024:11:29:53 DOCUMENT TITLE: REVIEW STATEMENT AND EXHIBITS 1-7 PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN J. DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 2/22/24 SUBMITTED BY: EG DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
4220 - Trial Statement - Plaintiff 02/22/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10174142 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-22-2024:11:29:53
3720 - Proof of Service 02/22/2024 Extra Text: J. ALBERTER T. LEUCHTERS, J. CHRISTIE 2/22/24 Transaction 10174142 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-22-2024:11:29:53
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/20/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10168336 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-20-2024:10:20:57
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 02/20/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 2.9.24 - Transaction 10168333 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-20-2024:10:20:04
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/01/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10134877 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-01-2024:11:49:59
1395 - Citation To Appear 02/01/2024 Extra Text: HEARING SET: 4.4.24 @ 2:30 P.M. BY ZOOM - Transaction 10134872 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-01-2024:11:49:02
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/31/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10131440 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-31-2024:08:40:51
3645 - Petition ... 01/30/2024 Extra Text: PETITION FOR VISITATION / CONTACT - Transaction 10131088 - Approved By: EGUADRON : 01-31-2024:08:39:36
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 01/29/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 1.28.24 - Transaction 10127681 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-29-2024:14:49:48
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/29/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10127690 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-29-2024:14:50:48
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 01/18/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 1.17.24 - Transaction 10105772 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-18-2024:14:16:49
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/18/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10105788 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-18-2024:14:18:24
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/16/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10099708 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-16-2024:13:52:31
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/16/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10098444 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-16-2024:09:37:56
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 01/16/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 1.11.24 - Transaction 10099700 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-16-2024:13:51:41
3243 - Ord Setting Required 3 Yr Review Hrg 01/16/2024 Extra Text: ORDER SETTING THREE-YEAR REVIEW HEARINGS; ORDER APPROVING ANNUAL REPORTS - Transaction 10098441 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-16-2024:09:37:13
1125 - Annual Report of Guardian 01/09/2024 Extra Text: DFX: MULTIPLE DOCUMENTS UPLOADED AS A SINGLE PDF SCAN; SECURITY LEVEL RAISED DUE TO CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Transaction 10088386 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-09-2024:14:08:42
3860 - Request for Submission 01/09/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10088386 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-09-2024:14:08:42 DOCUMENT TITLE: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GUARDIAN OF A MINOR PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN J. DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 1/9/24 SUBMITTED BY: EG DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/09/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10088390 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-09-2024:14:09:33
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 01/02/2024 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 12.29.23 - Transaction 10075280 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-02-2024:15:19:17
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/02/2024 Extra Text: Transaction 10075293 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-02-2024:15:20:16
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/21/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 10061567 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-21-2023:14:33:48
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 12/21/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 12.18.23 - Transaction 10061556 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-21-2023:14:32:40
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/19/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 10056782 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-19-2023:15:37:35
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 12/19/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 12.14.23 - Transaction 10056747 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-19-2023:15:26:34
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/05/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 10029914 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-05-2023:11:44:04
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 12/05/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 12.3.23 - Transaction 10029892 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-05-2023:11:42:03
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/30/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 10022643 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-30-2023:14:41:21
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/30/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 10022927 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-30-2023:15:41:21
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/30/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 11.24.23 - Transaction 10022632 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-30-2023:14:40:37
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/30/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 11.29.23 - Transaction 10022919 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-30-2023:15:40:29
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/22/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 10011536 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-22-2023:17:23:20
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/22/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 11.18.23 - Transaction 10011534 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-22-2023:17:22:30
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/14/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 11.9.23 - Transaction 9994736 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-14-2023:13:42:06
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/14/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9994758 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-14-2023:13:43:45
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/06/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9979167 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-06-2023:08:59:49
3720 - Proof of Service 11/04/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9978729 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 11-06-2023:08:58:35
2490 - Motion ... 11/04/2023 Extra Text: MOTION ADD TO EX PARTE FILES ON OCT 29, 2023 - Transaction 9978729 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 11-06-2023:08:58:35
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/02/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9975435 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-02-2023:15:08:15
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/02/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 11.1.23 - Transaction 9975428 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-02-2023:15:07:09
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/30/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9966215 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-30-2023:10:09:03
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/30/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 10.28.23 - Transaction 9968553 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-30-2023:17:58:02
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/30/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9968554 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-30-2023:17:58:40
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/17/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 10.16.23 - Transaction 9947093 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-17-2023:17:00:34
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/17/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9947094 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-17-2023:17:01:24
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/12/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 10.10.23 - Transaction 9937255 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-12-2023:10:16:42
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/12/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9937261 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-12-2023:10:17:30
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/06/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – NO SHOW REPORT JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 10.4.23 - Transaction 9927681 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-06-2023:10:48:29
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/06/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9927686 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-06-2023:10:49:08
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/26/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 9.25.23 - Transaction 9907802 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-26-2023:12:42:13
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/26/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9907804 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-26-2023:12:43:04
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/20/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 9.18.23 - Transaction 9897703 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-20-2023:13:09:08
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/20/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9897718 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-20-2023:13:10:25
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/19/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9893756 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-19-2023:09:11:36
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/19/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 9.13.23 - Transaction 9893752 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-19-2023:09:10:45
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/12/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9881146 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-12-2023:10:46:14
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/12/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 9.6.23 - Transaction 9881141 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-12-2023:10:45:22
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/08/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 8.30.23 - Transaction 9876972 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-08-2023:15:03:57
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/08/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9876979 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-08-2023:15:04:40
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/08/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 8.30.23 - Transaction 9876928 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-08-2023:14:55:36
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/08/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9876939 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-08-2023:14:56:52
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/24/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9850091 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-24-2023:14:23:02
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 08/24/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 8.23.23 - Transaction 9850058 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-24-2023:14:19:50
3370 - Order ... 08/21/2023 Extra Text: ORDER ACKNOWLEDGING REQUEST FOR SUBMISSION - Transaction 9841300 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-21-2023:11:26:38
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/21/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9841315 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-21-2023:11:28:42
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/17/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9835763 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-17-2023:09:29:37
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 08/17/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 8.16.23 - Transaction 9835753 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-17-2023:09:28:43
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/10/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9822816 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-10-2023:09:11:25
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 08/10/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 8.8.23 - Transaction 9822814 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-10-2023:09:10:33
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 08/01/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 7.30.23 - Transaction 9807754 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-01-2023:18:52:07
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/01/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9807755 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-01-2023:18:52:57
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/24/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9789806 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-24-2023:10:06:27
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 07/24/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 7.23.23 - Transaction 9789884 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-24-2023:10:26:25
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 07/24/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 7.21.23 - Transaction 9789803 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-24-2023:10:05:38
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/24/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9789890 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-24-2023:10:27:22
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/20/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9784554 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-20-2023:08:52:40
4105 - Supplemental ... 07/20/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9784550 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-20-2023:08:51:58
3860 - Request for Submission 07/20/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9784550 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-20-2023:08:51:58 DOCUMENT TITLE: LEASE (SUPPLEMENTAL) PARTY SUBMITTING: J. ALBERTER DATE SUBMITTED: 7-20-2023 SUBMITTED BY: KO DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 06/27/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 6.26.23 - Transaction 9743484 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-27-2023:11:47:36
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/27/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9743220 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-27-2023:10:52:29
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/27/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9743492 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-27-2023:11:48:46
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 06/27/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 6.24.23 - Transaction 9743214 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-27-2023:10:51:40
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/21/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9734006 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-21-2023:15:15:46
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 06/21/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 6.13.23 - Transaction 9734002 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-21-2023:15:14:55
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/08/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9712565 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-08-2023:13:47:10
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 06/08/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 6.7.23 - Transaction 9712560 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-08-2023:13:46:08
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/06/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9707269 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-06-2023:13:21:25
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 06/06/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 6.1.23 - Transaction 9707263 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-06-2023:13:20:42
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 05/26/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 5.25.23 - Transaction 9690053 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-26-2023:09:59:00
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/26/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9690058 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-26-2023:09:59:53
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 05/18/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – NO SHOW REPORT JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 5.17.23 - Transaction 9674793 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-18-2023:11:42:26
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/18/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9674816 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-18-2023:11:44:20
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 05/16/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 5.10.23 - Transaction 9669292 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-16-2023:12:02:45
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/16/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9669298 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-16-2023:12:03:28
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/04/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9649045 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-04-2023:09:31:55
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/04/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9649339 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-04-2023:10:31:35
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 05/04/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 5.2.23 - Transaction 9649337 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-04-2023:10:30:35
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 05/04/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 4.19.23 - Transaction 9649038 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-04-2023:09:31:12
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 04/13/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 4.9.23 - Transaction 9610964 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-13-2023:11:00:34
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/13/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9610616 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-13-2023:09:30:34
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 04/13/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 4.5.23 - Transaction 9610611 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-13-2023:09:29:42
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/13/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9610972 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-13-2023:11:01:33
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/06/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9600262 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-06-2023:17:00:13
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 04/06/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - NO SHOW REPORT - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 3.28.23 - Transaction 9600255 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-06-2023:16:59:30
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/22/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9574157 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-22-2023:21:32:50
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 03/22/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9574155 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-22-2023:21:32:00
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/21/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9569705 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-21-2023:09:22:10
3370 - Order ... 03/21/2023 Extra Text: ORDER ACKNOWLEDGING REQUEST FOR SUBMISSION - Transaction 9569698 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-21-2023:09:21:06
3975 - Statement ... 03/16/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9562232 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-16-2023:06:57:48
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/16/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9562233 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-16-2023:06:58:29
3860 - Request for Submission 03/16/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9562232 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-16-2023:06:57:48 DOCUMENT TITLE: LETTER FOR JUDGE PARTY SUBMITTING: D. DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 3-16-2023 SUBMITTED BY: KO DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
3720 - Proof of Service 03/16/2023 Extra Text: JAMIE ALBERTER, JEN CHRISTIE, T. LEUCHTERS SERVED 3-16-2023 Transaction 9562232 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-16-2023:06:57:48
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/13/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9556626 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-13-2023:17:52:11
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 03/13/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 3.10.23 - Transaction 9556622 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-13-2023:17:51:29
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/13/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9556791 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-13-2023:22:35:50
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 03/13/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 3.12.23 - Transaction 9556789 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-13-2023:22:35:07
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/02/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9538546 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-02-2023:16:21:21
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 03/02/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 3.1.23 - Transaction 9538538 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-02-2023:16:20:23
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 03/01/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 2.26.23 - Transaction 9534704 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-01-2023:11:21:10
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/01/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9534706 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-01-2023:11:21:51
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 02/15/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 2.11.23 - Transaction 9512596 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-15-2023:15:21:27
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/15/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9512603 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-15-2023:15:22:27
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/03/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9491302 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-03-2023:11:25:55
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 02/03/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 1.31.23 - Transaction 9491293 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-03-2023:11:25:11
1696 - Hrg Exhibits Maintnd in File 01/27/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9479220 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-27-2023:12:07:07
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/27/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9479214 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-27-2023:12:05:01
FIE - **Document Filed in Error 01/27/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9479202 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-27-2023:12:04:01
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/27/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9479222 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-27-2023:12:07:49
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 01/26/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 1.25.23 - Transaction 9477485 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-26-2023:15:22:39
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/26/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9477495 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-26-2023:15:23:42
3370 - Order ... 01/25/2023 Extra Text: ORDER ACKNOWLEDGING REQUEST FOR SUBMISSION - Transaction 9474564 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-25-2023:13:52:58
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/25/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9474570 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-25-2023:13:53:51
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 01/19/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 1.12.23 - Transaction 9465472 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-19-2023:17:05:27
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/19/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9464542 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-19-2023:13:54:33
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/19/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9465473 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-19-2023:17:05:57
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/19/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9465503 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-19-2023:17:20:51
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 01/19/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 1.16.23 - Transaction 9465498 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-19-2023:17:20:09
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 01/19/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 1.7.23 - Transaction 9464522 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-19-2023:13:53:22
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/17/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9458324 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-17-2023:11:13:08
3860 - Request for Submission 01/17/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9458310 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-17-2023:11:11:47 DOCUMENT TITLE: LETTER FOR JUDGE & GMAIL TO JAMIE AND MS. CHRISTIE FILED JAN 17, 2023 PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 1-17-23 SUBMITTED BY: YV DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
3975 - Statement ... 01/17/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9458310 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-17-2023:11:11:47
3720 - Proof of Service 01/17/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9458310 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-17-2023:11:11:47
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 01/06/2023 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 12.27.22 - Transaction 9443377 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-06-2023:11:53:18
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/06/2023 Extra Text: Transaction 9443379 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-06-2023:11:54:06
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/29/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9432505 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-29-2022:16:12:01
3370 - Order ... 12/29/2022 Extra Text: ORDER ACKNOWLEDGING REQUEST FOR SUBMISSION - Transaction 9432501 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-29-2022:16:11:19
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 12/23/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 12.18.22 - Transaction 9425815 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-23-2022:15:28:12
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/23/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9425818 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-23-2022:15:29:06
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/22/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9423030 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-22-2022:12:14:10
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 12/22/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 12.16.22 - Transaction 9423024 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-22-2022:12:13:29
3720 - Proof of Service 12/19/2022 Extra Text: DFX: INCORRECT CASE NUMBER PRESENTED ON DOCUMENT; JAMIE ALBERTER, JEN CHRISTIE, T. LEUCHTERS SERVED 12-19-2022 - PROOF OF SERVICE - Transaction 9415350 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-19-2022:07:35:11
3860 - Request for Submission 12/19/2022 Extra Text: DFX: INCORRECT CASE NUMBER ON DOCUMENT - Transaction 9415350 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-19-2022:07:35:11 DOCUMENT TITLE: JUDGES LETTER PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 12-19-2022 SUBMITTED BY: K.O. DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
3975 - Statement ... 12/19/2022 Extra Text: UPDATE - Transaction 9415350 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-19-2022:07:35:11
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/19/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9415352 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-19-2022:07:35:53
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 12/13/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 12.5.22 - Transaction 9406814 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-13-2022:11:22:35
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/13/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9406823 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-13-2022:11:23:29
3720 - Proof of Service 12/12/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9404875 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 12-12-2022:14:27:14
2490 - Motion ... 12/12/2022 Extra Text: MOTION FOR RELEASE OF INFORMATION - Transaction 9404875 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 12-12-2022:14:27:14
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/12/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9405113 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-12-2022:14:28:26
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/08/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9398514 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-08-2022:07:48:16
2490 - Motion ... 12/07/2022 Extra Text: MOTION UPDATE EMPLOYMENT - Transaction 9398432 - Approved By: KOLIPHAN : 12-08-2022:07:47:35
3720 - Proof of Service 12/07/2022 Extra Text: DAWN DAVIS SERVED 12-7-2022 - Transaction 9398432 - Approved By: KOLIPHAN : 12-08-2022:07:47:35
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/30/2022 Extra Text: DFX: NO RESULTS ATTACHED Transaction 9384252 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-30-2022:11:48:32
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/30/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9384254 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-30-2022:11:49:10
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/28/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9379034 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-28-2022:09:29:48
2700 - Ord After Hearing... 11/28/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9379030 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-28-2022:09:28:59
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/22/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9374562 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-22-2022:10:52:55
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/22/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9376286 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-22-2022:16:42:10
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/22/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 11.21.22 - Transaction 9376280 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-22-2022:16:41:24
MIN - ***Minutes 11/22/2022 Extra Text: 11-17-22 GUARDIANSHIP - Transaction 9374560 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-22-2022:10:52:06
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/17/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 11.16.22 - Transaction 9367667 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-17-2022:11:22:40
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/17/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9367670 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-17-2022:11:23:30
3720 - Proof of Service 11/15/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9363958 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-15-2022:15:10:28
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/15/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9363967 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-15-2022:15:13:19
4105 - Supplemental ... 11/15/2022 Extra Text: DFX: EXHIBIT 1 SET TO SECURITY LEVEL 3 DUE TO PERSONAL IDENTIFYING INFO - ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE - Transaction 9363958 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-15-2022:15:10:28
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/14/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9360626 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-14-2022:11:57:25
3370 - Order ... 11/14/2022 Extra Text: ORDER ACKNOWLEDGING REQUEST FOR SUBMISSION; ORDER GRANTING GUARDIAN’S REQUEST FOR AN IN-PERSON REVIEW HEARING - Transaction 9360616 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-14-2022:11:56:20
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/11/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9359265 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-11-2022:06:50:38
4105 - Supplemental ... 11/11/2022 Extra Text: DFX: CASE CAPTION INCORRECT - EXHIBIT R - Transaction 9359264 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-11-2022:06:49:56
3720 - Proof of Service 11/11/2022 Extra Text: DFX: CASE CAPTION INCORRECT - JAMIE ALBERTER, JEN CHRISTIE, T.LEUCHTERS - Transaction 9359264 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-11-2022:06:49:56
3860 - Request for Submission 11/11/2022 Extra Text: DFX: CASE CAPTION INCORRECT - Transaction 9359264 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-11-2022:06:49:56 DOCUMENT TITLE: EXHIBIT R PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 11-11-2022 SUBMITTED BY: K.O. DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
3720 - Proof of Service 11/10/2022 Extra Text: DFX: CASE CAPTION INCORRECT - JAMIE ALBERTER, JEN CHRISTIE, T.LEUCHTERS - Transaction 9359221 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-10-2022:20:14:25
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9357694 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-10-2022:12:09:04
4205 - Trial Statement... 11/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9359221 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-10-2022:20:14:25
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9359222 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-10-2022:20:15:26
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/10/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 11.9.22 - Transaction 9357688 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-10-2022:12:08:16
3860 - Request for Submission 11/10/2022 Extra Text: DFX: CASE CAPTION INCORRECT - Transaction 9359221 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-10-2022:20:14:25 DOCUMENT TITLE: TRIAL STATEMENT PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 11-10-2022 SUBMITTED BY: K.O. DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
2777 - Ord Approving ... 11/07/2022 Extra Text: ANNUAL REPORT - Transaction 9350634 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-07-2022:14:50:34
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/07/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9350642 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-07-2022:14:51:31
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/03/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 10.30.22 - Transaction 9344333 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-03-2022:10:39:58
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9344353 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-03-2022:10:41:54
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/27/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 10.25.22 - Transaction 9334367 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-27-2022:12:30:25
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/27/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9334371 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-27-2022:12:31:06
3860 - Request for Submission 10/25/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9330600 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-25-2022:15:39:49
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/25/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9330603 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-25-2022:15:40:32
1457 - Confidential Document(s) 10/25/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9330600 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-25-2022:15:39:49 DOCUMENT TITLE: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GUARDIAN OF THE CHILD PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 10/25/22 SUBMITTED BY: DSTAGGS DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
1125 - Annual Report of Guardian 10/25/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9330600 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-25-2022:15:39:49
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/18/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 10.17.22 - Transaction 9318796 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-18-2022:15:32:01
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/18/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9318805 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-18-2022:15:32:49
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/13/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9311463 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-13-2022:15:22:18
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/13/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 10.10.22 - Transaction 9311457 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-13-2022:15:21:12
2700 - Ord After Hearing... 10/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9302650 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-10-2022:09:55:37
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9302657 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-10-2022:09:56:35
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/07/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - NO SHOW REPORTS - JAMIE ALBERTER - DATED: 9.25.22 & 10.2.22 - Transaction 9300656 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-07-2022:10:26:19
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/07/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9300664 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-07-2022:10:27:04
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9291092 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-03-2022:09:31:16
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9290831 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-03-2022:08:22:18
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9290763 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-03-2022:07:48:03
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/03/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 9.26.22 - Transaction 9291088 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-03-2022:09:30:37
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/03/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 9.18.22 - Transaction 9290760 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-03-2022:07:47:20
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/03/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 9.21.22 - Transaction 9290827 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-03-2022:08:21:34
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/28/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9284988 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-28-2022:15:27:40
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/28/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9284219 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-28-2022:12:18:48
3860 - Request for Submission 09/28/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9284975 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-28-2022:15:25:59 DOCUMENT TITLE: EVIDENCE PARTY SUBMITTING: JAMIE ALBERTER DATE SUBMITTED: 09/28/22 SUBMITTED BY: DSTAGGS DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
3860 - Request for Submission 09/28/2022 Extra Text: DFX: CASE CAPTION IS INCORRECT Transaction 9284216 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-28-2022:12:17:56 DOCUMENT TITLE: MOTION PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 09/28/22 SUBMITTED BY: DSTAGGS DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/28/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9283612 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-28-2022:09:19:38
4105 - Supplemental ... 09/28/2022 Extra Text: EVIDENCE - Transaction 9284975 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-28-2022:15:25:59
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/28/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - NO SHOW REPORTS - JAMIE ALBERTER - DATED: 9.9.22 & 9.12.22 - Transaction 9283606 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-28-2022:09:18:54
3715 - Proof of Publication 09/28/2022 Extra Text: DAWN DAVIS 09/28/22 - Transaction 9284975 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-28-2022:15:25:59
3720 - Proof of Service 09/27/2022 Extra Text: DFX: CASE CAPTION INCORRECT ON DOCUMENT DAWN DAVIS 09/27/2022 VIA EFLEX Transaction 9282189 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-27-2022:12:50:01
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/27/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9282192 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-27-2022:12:52:48
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/25/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9278333 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-25-2022:08:37:08
1120 - Amended ... 09/25/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9278332 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-25-2022:08:36:26
3720 - Proof of Service 09/25/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9278332 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-25-2022:08:36:26
4105 - Supplemental ... 09/24/2022 Extra Text: DFX: EXHIBITS PRESENTED INCORRECTLY - Transaction 9278219 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-24-2022:08:07:43
3720 - Proof of Service 09/24/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9278219 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-24-2022:08:07:43
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/24/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9278220 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-24-2022:08:08:25
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/23/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9276332 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-23-2022:10:11:45
4105 - Supplemental ... 09/23/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9276327 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-23-2022:10:10:49
3720 - Proof of Service 09/21/2022 Extra Text: DFX: NO SERVICE INFORMATION PROVIDED Transaction 9272799 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-21-2022:16:01:52
3725 - Proof ... 09/21/2022 Extra Text: THERAPY INFO AND CONCERNS - Transaction 9272799 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-21-2022:16:01:52
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/21/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9272810 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-21-2022:16:03:01
2645 - Opposition to Mtn ... 09/20/2022 Extra Text: DFX: INCORRECT CASE CAPTION ON DOCUMENT OPPOSITION TO MOTION COUNSELING (FILED 09/15/22) - Transaction 9268426 - Approved By: DCOLTRIN : 09-20-2022:08:55:29
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/20/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9268638 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-20-2022:09:08:17
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/20/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9268573 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-20-2022:08:56:11
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/20/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9268414 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-20-2022:07:45:33
3720 - Proof of Service 09/20/2022 Extra Text: DFX: INCORRECT CASE NUMBER ON DOCUMENT; CASE CAPTION INCORRECT ON DOCUMENT J. ALBERTER JEN CHRISTIE 09/19/2022 VIA EFLEX Transaction 9268634 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-20-2022:09:07:35
3720 - Proof of Service 09/20/2022 Extra Text: DFX: CASE CAPTION INCORRECT ON DOCUMENT J. ALBERTER JEN CHRISTIE 09/19 VIA EFLEX Transaction 9268413 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-20-2022:07:44:51
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/16/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9263402 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-16-2022:08:23:34
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/15/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9260937 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-15-2022:08:19:27
2490 - Motion ... 09/15/2022 Extra Text: DFX: INCORRECT CASE CAPTION ON DOCUMENT MOTION COUNSELING UPDATE - Transaction 9260862 - Approved By: DCOLTRIN : 09-15-2022:08:18:27
2490 - Motion ... 09/15/2022 Extra Text: MOTION WITH COUNSELING INFORMATION - Transaction 9263216 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 09-16-2022:08:22:56
3720 - Proof of Service 09/15/2022 Extra Text: DFX: INCORRECT CASE CAPTION ON DOCUMENT; INCORRECT DEPARTMENT NUMBER ON DOCUMENT DAWN DAVIS 09/14/2022 VIA EFLEX - Transaction 9260862 - Approved By: DCOLTRIN : 09-15-2022:08:18:27
3720 - Proof of Service 09/15/2022 Extra Text: DAWN DAVIS 09/15/22 - Transaction 9263216 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 09-16-2022:08:22:56
MIN - ***Minutes 09/13/2022 Extra Text: 09-08-2022 - Transaction 9256176 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-13-2022:09:43:04
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/13/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9256201 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-13-2022:09:44:34
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/07/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9246235 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-07-2022:11:43:50
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/07/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – NO SHOW REPORT JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 8.28.22 - Transaction 9246967 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-07-2022:14:19:10
4105 - Supplemental ... 09/07/2022 Extra Text: EXTENSION TO TRIAL STATEMENT - Transaction 9246227 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-07-2022:11:42:57
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/07/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9246971 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-07-2022:14:19:46
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/06/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9243386 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-06-2022:11:10:40
2610 - Notice ... 09/06/2022 Extra Text: NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIAL REPORT DATED JANUARY 12, 2022 AMERICAN COMPREHENSIVE COUNSELING SERVICE LOCUS ASSESSMENT – JAMIE ALBERTER - Transaction 9243383 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-06-2022:11:09:59
4205 - Trial Statement... 09/02/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9241314 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-02-2022:13:28:48
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/02/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9241327 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-02-2022:13:30:10
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/02/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9241777 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-02-2022:15:03:42
3720 - Proof of Service 09/02/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9241773 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-02-2022:15:02:59
3720 - Proof of Service 09/02/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9241314 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-02-2022:13:28:48
1740 - Financial Declaration ... 09/02/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9241314 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-02-2022:13:28:48
4205 - Trial Statement... 09/01/2022 Extra Text: DFX: INCORRECT CASE NUMBER ON DOCUMENT TRIAL STATEMENT PAGES 1 - 4 Transaction 9239879 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-01-2022:16:58:22
3373 - Other ... 09/01/2022 Extra Text: DFX: EXHIBITS ATTACHED TO LEAD DOCUMENT; DOCUMENT SET TO SECURITY LEVEL 3 DUE TO CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Exhibits A-D & EXHIBITS INDEX PAGE - Transaction 9239879 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-01-2022:16:58:22
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/01/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9239891 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-01-2022:16:59:25
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/01/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9238628 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-01-2022:12:26:20
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/01/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – NO SHOW REPORT JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 8.24.22 - Transaction 9238624 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-01-2022:12:25:36
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/25/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9225149 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-25-2022:09:25:17
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 08/25/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 8.18.22 - Transaction 9225146 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-25-2022:09:24:34
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9198396 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-10-2022:14:25:35
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 08/10/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – NO SHOW REPORT JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 8.7.22 - Transaction 9198392 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-10-2022:14:24:55
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 08/05/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 8.4.22 - Transaction 9191610 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-05-2022:16:55:31
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 08/05/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 7.27.22 - Transaction 9191475 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-05-2022:16:20:17
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/05/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9191614 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-05-2022:16:56:13
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/05/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9191476 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-05-2022:16:20:50
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/01/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9181272 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-01-2022:15:23:14
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 08/01/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 7.21.22 - Transaction 9181259 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-01-2022:15:22:12
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 07/18/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 7.6.22 - Transaction 9154831 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-18-2022:13:15:26
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 07/18/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 7.13.22 - Transaction 9155425 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-18-2022:14:45:44
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/18/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9155428 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-18-2022:14:46:15
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/18/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9154840 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-18-2022:13:16:21
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/17/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9153085 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-17-2022:19:08:20
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 07/17/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 6.29.22 - Transaction 9153084 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-17-2022:19:07:38
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 07/17/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 6.21.22 - Transaction 9152986 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-17-2022:14:31:26
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/17/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9152987 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-17-2022:14:32:06
3370 - Order ... 07/15/2022 Extra Text: ORDER RE: JUDICIAL BENEVOLENT FUND PAYMENT - Transaction 9152723 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-15-2022:16:40:24
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/15/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9152727 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-15-2022:16:41:04
2610 - Notice ... 07/05/2022 Extra Text: NOTICE OF EMAIL RECEIVED FROM TELEMIND - DATED: JUNE 21, 2022 - Transaction 9132085 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-05-2022:15:01:33
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/05/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9132090 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-05-2022:15:02:20
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9130222 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-03-2022:16:49:27
MIN - ***Minutes 07/03/2022 Extra Text: 05-19-22 GUARDIANSHIP - Transaction 9130220 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-03-2022:16:48:37
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/15/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9102524 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-15-2022:16:54:10
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 06/15/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 6.14.22 - Transaction 9102522 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-15-2022:16:53:26
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 06/13/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 6.5.22 - Transaction 9097142 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-13-2022:13:40:10
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 06/13/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 6.7.22 - Transaction 9097239 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-13-2022:14:03:02
2610 - Notice ... 06/13/2022 Extra Text: NOTICE OF STEP 2 LETTER AND RELEASE FOR JAMIE ALBERTER - DATED: JUNE 10, 2022 - Transaction 9096322 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-13-2022:11:08:01
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/13/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9096339 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-13-2022:11:09:54
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/13/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9097152 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-13-2022:13:40:59
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/13/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9097243 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-13-2022:14:03:45
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 06/08/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 5.27.22 - Transaction 9089433 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-08-2022:12:30:51
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/08/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9089438 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-08-2022:12:31:33
2700 - Ord After Hearing... 05/27/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9071632 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-27-2022:12:06:42
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/27/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9071637 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-27-2022:12:07:32
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/18/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9054652 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-18-2022:13:12:13
1457 - Confidential Document(s) 05/18/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9054717 - Approved By: SACORDAG : 05-18-2022:13:45:13
3860 - Request for Submission 05/18/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9054717 - Approved By: SACORDAG : 05-18-2022:13:45:13 DOCUMENT TITLE: OPPOSITION PARTY SUBMITTING: D. DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 05/18/2022 SUBMITTED BY: SJA DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/18/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9054728 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-18-2022:13:45:48
3860 - Request for Submission 05/18/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9054643 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-18-2022:13:09:55 DOCUMENT TITLE: OPPOSITION TO MOTION PARTY SUBMITTING: D. DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 05/18/2022 SUBMITTED BY: SJA DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
2650 - Opposition to ... 05/18/2022 Extra Text: OPPOSITION - Transaction 9054717 - Approved By: SACORDAG : 05-18-2022:13:45:13
2645 - Opposition to Mtn ... 05/18/2022 Extra Text: OPPOSITION - Transaction 9054566 - Approved By: SACORDAG : 05-18-2022:13:11:21
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/18/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9055904 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-18-2022:22:26:09
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/18/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9054645 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-18-2022:13:10:38
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/18/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9053419 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-18-2022:08:09:24
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 05/18/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 5.15.22 - Transaction 9055902 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-18-2022:22:25:37
3720 - Proof of Service 05/17/2022 Extra Text: DAWN DAVIS 05/17/2022 VIA EFLEX - Transaction 9053268 - Approved By: SACORDAG : 05-18-2022:08:08:41
3720 - Proof of Service 05/17/2022 Extra Text: DAWN DAVIS 05/17/2022 VIA EFLEX - Transaction 9051162 - Approved By: SACORDAG : 05-17-2022:07:54:05
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 05/17/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – NO SHOW REPORT JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 5.10.22 - Transaction 9052130 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-17-2022:12:17:12
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/17/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9051208 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-17-2022:07:55:10
2490 - Motion ... 05/17/2022 Extra Text: DFX: CASE TITLES DO NOT MATCH FACTS WHY YOU NEED TO TERMINATE GUARDIANSHIP - Transaction 9053268 - Approved By: SACORDAG : 05-18-2022:08:08:41
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/17/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9052134 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-17-2022:12:17:52
4205 - Trial Statement... 05/15/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9048706 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-15-2022:12:45:13
3860 - Request for Submission 05/15/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9048714 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-15-2022:15:12:39 DOCUMENT TITLE: TRIAL STATEMENT PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 15-MAY-22 SUBMITTED BY: BJS DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/15/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9048708 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-15-2022:12:45:56
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/15/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9048715 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-15-2022:15:13:20
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/13/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9046827 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-13-2022:08:07:54
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/13/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9046835 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-13-2022:08:12:21
1457 - Confidential Document(s) 05/12/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9044824 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-12-2022:10:06:26
2645 - Opposition to Mtn ... 05/12/2022 Extra Text: DFX: CASE TITLES DO NOT MATCH OPPOSITION TO MOTION SHOWING FACTS TO SHOW PROGRESS FOR MY KIDS - Transaction 9046751 - Approved By: SACORDAG : 05-13-2022:08:06:54
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/12/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9046746 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-12-2022:21:46:16
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/12/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9044829 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-12-2022:10:07:06
4105 - Supplemental ... 05/12/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9044824 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-12-2022:10:06:26
3373 - Other ... 05/12/2022 Extra Text: DFX: CASE TITLES DO NOT MATCH EXHIBIT 5 FOR OPPOSITION TO MOTION - Transaction 9046754 - Approved By: SACORDAG : 05-13-2022:08:11:37
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 05/10/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 5.7.22 - Transaction 9041919 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-10-2022:23:36:51
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 05/10/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 5.6.22 - Transaction 9041903 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-10-2022:23:05:59
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9041905 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-10-2022:23:06:43
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9041920 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-10-2022:23:37:21
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9039878 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-10-2022:09:12:56
3860 - Request for Submission 05/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9039875 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-10-2022:09:12:13 DOCUMENT TITLE: PETITION TO TERMINATE GUARDIANSHIP PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 5/10/22 SUBMITTED BY: NM DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/09/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9037622 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-09-2022:09:57:22
4105 - Supplemental ... 05/09/2022 Extra Text: DFX: EXHIBITS PRESENTED INCORRECTLY. DOCUMENT SET TO LEVEL 3 SECURITY AS IT CONTAINS DRUG TEST RESULTS - Transaction 9037603 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-09-2022:09:56:22
2525 - Notice of Change of Address 05/07/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9037090 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-07-2022:19:14:23
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/07/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9037091 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-07-2022:19:14:54
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/06/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9035287 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-06-2022:10:58:46
3720 - Proof of Service 05/06/2022 Extra Text: DAWN DAVIS 05/05/2022 - Transaction 9035125 - Approved By: DCOLTRIN : 05-06-2022:10:57:44
2490 - Motion ... 05/06/2022 Extra Text: DFX: EXHIBITS SCANNED INCORRECTLY; SHOWING FACTS TO SHOW PROGRESS FOR MY KIDS - Transaction 9035125 - Approved By: DCOLTRIN : 05-06-2022:10:57:44
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 05/02/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – NO SHOW REPORT JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 4.30.22 - Transaction 9028231 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-02-2022:16:48:19
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/02/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9028242 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-02-2022:16:49:23
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/01/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9026009 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-01-2022:10:33:47
3373 - Other ... 05/01/2022 Extra Text: EXHIBIT 0 Transaction 9026007 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-01-2022:10:33:07
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/30/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9025941 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-30-2022:15:11:19
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 04/30/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – NO SHOW REPORT JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 4.17.22 - Transaction 9025939 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-30-2022:15:08:39
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/29/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9023827 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-29-2022:08:31:13
2645 - Opposition to Mtn ... 04/28/2022 Extra Text: DFX: CASE TITLES DO NOT MATCH; ADDITIONAL COVER PAGE IS LAST PAGE, NOT SIGNED OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO WITHDRAW MEDIATION AGREEMENT - Transaction 9023722 - Approved By: SACORDAG : 04-29-2022:08:30:03
3720 - Proof of Service 04/28/2022 Extra Text: C. CHRISTIE; J. ALBERTER; T. LEUCHTERS ON 04/28/2022 Transaction 9023730 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-28-2022:18:51:34
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/28/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9023731 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-28-2022:18:52:16
3720 - Proof of Service 04/27/2022 Extra Text: C. CHRISTIE; J. ALBERTER; T. LEUCHTRS ON 04/27/2022 Transaction 9021121 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-27-2022:17:53:39
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/27/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9021123 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-27-2022:17:54:21
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/27/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9020382 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-27-2022:14:52:04
1775 - General Receipt 04/27/2022 Extra Text: DFX: MEDIA MAIL IMPORTED, ATTACHED TO THIS RECEIPT. - Transaction 9020378 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-27-2022:14:51:15
3835 - Report... 04/25/2022 Extra Text: FAMILY PEACE CENTER REPORT - Transaction 9014619 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-25-2022:10:48:18
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/25/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9014626 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-25-2022:10:49:38
2650 - Opposition to ... 04/21/2022 Extra Text: OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO WITHDRAW MEDIATION AGREEMENT - Transaction 9010262 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 04-21-2022:13:11:04
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/21/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9010268 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-21-2022:13:11:46
3720 - Proof of Service 04/18/2022 Extra Text: DAWN DAVIS 04/14/2022
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/15/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9002204 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-15-2022:17:45:03
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 04/15/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 4.11.22 - Transaction 9002203 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-15-2022:17:44:24
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 04/15/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 4.7.22 - Transaction 9002043 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-15-2022:16:23:46
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/15/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 9002049 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-15-2022:16:24:51
2490 - Motion ... 04/14/2022 Extra Text: TO WITHDRAW MEDIATION VISITATION AGREEMENT
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/11/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8991722 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-11-2022:13:14:57
3370 - Order ... 04/11/2022 Extra Text: ORDER RATIFYING AND INCORPORATING MEDIATED AGREEMENT AS ORDER OF THE COURT - Transaction 8991714 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-11-2022:13:14:15
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/05/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8982296 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-05-2022:13:51:49
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/05/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8981571 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-05-2022:11:00:48
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 04/05/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 4.2.22 - Transaction 8982266 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-05-2022:13:50:04
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 04/05/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 3.23.22 - Transaction 8981564 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-05-2022:10:59:57
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/17/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8951227 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-17-2022:09:36:17
3835 - Report... 03/17/2022 Extra Text: MEMO Re: Mediation - Transaction 8951213 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-17-2022:09:35:09
2610 - Notice ... 03/14/2022 Extra Text: NOTICE OF MEDIATION BY AUDIO VISUAL MEANS - Transaction 8943999 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 03-14-2022:13:06:50
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/14/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8944073 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-14-2022:13:07:40
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 03/11/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 3.8.22 - Transaction 8940936 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-11-2022:11:35:49
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 03/11/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 3.4.22 - Transaction 8940550 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-11-2022:08:51:27
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/11/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8940553 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-11-2022:08:53:59
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/11/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8940939 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-11-2022:11:36:31
3835 - Report... 03/08/2022 Extra Text: FAMILY PEACE CENTER REPORT - Transaction 8934011 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-08-2022:13:16:54
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/08/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8934024 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-08-2022:13:17:59
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/24/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8914494 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-24-2022:15:23:14
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 02/24/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 2.23.22 - Transaction 8914488 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-24-2022:15:22:28
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/22/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8908398 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-22-2022:11:17:29
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 02/22/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 2.20.22 - Transaction 8908393 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-22-2022:11:16:41
2700 - Ord After Hearing... 02/15/2022 Extra Text: ORDER SETTING MEDIATION; ORDER SETTING EVIDENTIARY HEARING Transaction 8900222 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-15-2022:22:34:38
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/15/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8900224 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-15-2022:22:35:38
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/13/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8895097 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-13-2022:17:12:38
MIN - ***Minutes 02/13/2022 Extra Text: 02-10-22 GUARDIANSHIP - Transaction 8895095 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-13-2022:17:11:36
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 02/09/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 2.7.22 - Transaction 8889718 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-09-2022:15:51:13
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/09/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8889133 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-09-2022:14:03:26
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/09/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8889723 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-09-2022:15:52:27
3250 - Ord Striking ... 02/09/2022 Extra Text: ORDER STRIKING REQUEST FOR SUBMISSION - Transaction 8889121 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-09-2022:14:01:49
3373 - Other ... 02/08/2022 Extra Text:
3860 - Request for Submission 02/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8878062 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-03-2022:08:59:49 DOCUMENT TITLE: PETITON TO TERMINATE GUARDIANSHIP (MINOR) PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 1/21/2022 SUBMITTED BY: MDAVIS DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8878069 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-03-2022:09:00:56
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 02/02/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 1.28.22 - Transaction 8877825 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-02-2022:23:03:15
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/02/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8877826 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-02-2022:23:04:15
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/02/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8877847 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-02-2022:23:52:45
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/02/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8877835 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-02-2022:23:27:55
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 02/02/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 1.30.22 - Transaction 8877845 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-02-2022:23:51:45
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 02/02/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 1.30.22 - Transaction 8877833 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-02-2022:23:26:55
1457 - Confidential Document(s) 02/01/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8873595 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-01-2022:10:39:30
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/01/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8873592 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-01-2022:10:38:38
4105 - Supplemental ... 02/01/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8873587 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-01-2022:10:37:31
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/01/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8873602 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-01-2022:10:40:27
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/31/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8871910 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-31-2022:14:36:11
3835 - Report... 01/31/2022 Extra Text: FAMILY PEACE CENTER REPORT - Transaction 8871902 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-31-2022:14:34:49
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/28/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8868938 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-28-2022:13:57:08
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 01/28/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – NO SHOW REPORT JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 1.27.22 - Transaction 8868934 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-28-2022:13:55:57
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/27/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8864978 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-27-2022:06:43:55
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/27/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8864980 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-27-2022:06:45:35
3860 - Request for Submission 01/27/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8864979 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-27-2022:06:44:52 DOCUMENT TITLE: MOTION FILED 12/28/2021 PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 27-JAN-22 SUBMITTED BY: BJS DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
3860 - Request for Submission 01/27/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8864977 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-27-2022:06:43:11 DOCUMENT TITLE: ORDER SHOWING CAUSE FILED 12/28/2021 PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 27-JAN-22 SUBMITTED BY: BJS DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/27/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8864998 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-27-2022:06:52:16
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/26/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8862795 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-26-2022:10:27:25
3373 - Other ... 01/26/2022 Extra Text: EXHIBIT A - Transaction 8862792 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-26-2022:10:26:31
1457 - Confidential Document(s) 01/25/2022 Extra Text: DFX: PAGE 1 IS AN EXHIBIT COVER PAGE Transaction 8861226 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-25-2022:13:45:58
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/25/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8861230 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-25-2022:13:47:07
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/25/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8860385 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-25-2022:09:49:32
1395 - Citation To Appear 01/25/2022 Extra Text: HEARING SET: 3/3/22 @ 1:30 P.M. - Transaction 8860363 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-25-2022:09:45:22
2650 - Opposition to ... 01/25/2022 Extra Text: DFX: NO EXHIBIT 1 OR 6 FILED - Transaction 8861209 - Approved By: MDAVIS : 01-25-2022:13:56:45
3720 - Proof of Service 01/25/2022 Extra Text: Jamie Alberter. T. Leuchters, J. Christie ON 1/25/2022 - Transaction 8861209 - Approved By: MDAVIS : 01-25-2022:13:56:45
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/25/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8861265 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-25-2022:13:58:31
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 01/21/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 1.14.22 - Transaction 8855566 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-21-2022:11:10:39
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/21/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8855584 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-21-2022:11:12:46
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/21/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8855966 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-21-2022:12:45:37
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 01/21/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 1.18.22 - Transaction 8855963 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-21-2022:12:44:15
3635 - Pet to Terminate Guardianship 01/21/2022 Extra Text:
3720 - Proof of Service 01/12/2022 Extra Text: J. ALBERTER, T. LEUCHTERS, J. CHRISTIE ON 1/12/2022 - Transaction 8840066 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-12-2022:12:06:52
2645 - Opposition to Mtn ... 01/12/2022 Extra Text: OSC MOTION - Transaction 8839572 - Approved By: MDAVIS : 01-12-2022:11:42:18
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/12/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8839902 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-12-2022:11:47:29
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/12/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8840091 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-12-2022:12:09:12
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8835584 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-10-2022:14:50:10
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8834458 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-10-2022:10:31:10
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8834440 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-10-2022:10:28:32
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8834203 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-10-2022:09:41:00
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8834109 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-10-2022:09:25:50
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8834095 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-10-2022:09:22:53
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8834075 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-10-2022:09:18:15
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8834071 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-10-2022:09:16:20
2842 - Ord Denying Motion 01/10/2022 Extra Text: ORDER DENYING MOTION FOR CHANGE OF GUARDIANSHIP - Transaction 8834421 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-10-2022:10:25:37
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 01/10/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 1.7.22 - Transaction 8835572 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-10-2022:14:48:37
3250 - Ord Striking ... 01/10/2022 Extra Text: ORDER STRIKING REQUEST FOR SUBMISSION - Transaction 8834447 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-10-2022:10:29:40
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/10/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8834216 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-10-2022:09:42:45
3373 - Other ... 01/08/2022 Extra Text: DFX: DUPLICATE FILING; EXHIBIT NOT FILED CORRECTLY EXHIBIT 6: A SCREENSHOT OF ALL OF MY AND JAMIES EMAILS FROM 8/17/21 TO 12/17/21 - Transaction 8833521 - Approved By: MDAVIS : 01-10-2022:09:17:08
3373 - Other ... 01/08/2022 Extra Text: DFX: DUPLICATE FILING; EXHIBIT NOT FILED CORRECTLY EXHIBIT 6: A SCREENSHOT OF ALL OF MY AND JAMIES EMAILS FROM 8/17/21 TO 12/17/21 - Transaction 8833524 - Approved By: MDAVIS : 01-10-2022:09:21:04
3373 - Other ... 01/08/2022 Extra Text: DFX: EXHIBIT NOT FILED CORRECTLY EXHIBIT 6: A SCREENSHOT OF ALL OF MY AND JAMIES EMAILS FROM 8/17/21 TO 12/17/21 AND 6/26/22 TO 7/30/21 - Transaction 8833608 - Approved By: MDAVIS : 01-10-2022:09:24:11
3373 - Other ... 01/08/2022 Extra Text: DFX: DUPLICATE FILING; EXHIBIT NOT FILED CORRECTLY EXHIBIT 6: A SCREENSHOT OF ALL OF MY AND JAMIES EMAILS FROM 8/17/21 TO 12/17/21 AND 6/26/22 TO 7/30/21 - Transaction 8833609 - Approved By: MDAVIS : 01-10-2022:09:38:33
3373 - Other ... 01/08/2022 Extra Text: DFX: DUPLICATE FILING; EXHIBIT NOT FILED CORRECTLY EXHIBIT 6: A SCREENSHOT OF ALL OF MY AND JAMIES EMAILS FROM 8/17/21 TO 12/17/21 AND 6/26/22 TO 7/30/21 - Transaction 8833611 - Approved By: MDAVIS : 01-10-2022:09:39:32
3373 - Other ... 01/08/2022 Extra Text: DFX: EXHIBIT NOT FILED CORRECTLY EXHIBIT 6: A SCREENSHOT OF ALL OF MY AND JAMIES EMAILS FROM 8/17/21 TO 12/17/21 - Transaction 8833519 - Approved By: MDAVIS : 01-10-2022:09:15:09
1457 - Confidential Document(s) 01/06/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8830588 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-06-2022:15:55:33
1457 - Confidential Document(s) 01/06/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8830764 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-06-2022:16:27:49
2650 - Opposition to ... 01/06/2022 Extra Text: OPPOSITION TO PETITION - Transaction 8830748 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 01-06-2022:16:44:55
3720 - Proof of Service 01/06/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8830709 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-06-2022:16:16:47
3720 - Proof of Service 01/06/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8830781 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-06-2022:16:29:59
1085 - Amended Answer 01/06/2022 Extra Text: DFX: DOCUMENTS FILED ONLY UNDER GR20-00258; MULTIPULE DOCUMENTS FILED IN SINGLE PDF - Transaction 8830524 - Approved By: MDAVIS : 01-06-2022:16:09:27
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/06/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8830598 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-06-2022:15:56:44
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/06/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8830672 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-06-2022:16:11:07
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/06/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8830714 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-06-2022:16:17:43
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/06/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8830777 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-06-2022:16:28:43
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/06/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8830788 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-06-2022:16:32:51
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/06/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8830831 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-06-2022:16:46:06
1085 - Amended Answer 01/03/2022 Extra Text: Opposition to petitions: Concerns I would like the Judge to address, - Transaction 8822607 - Approved By: MDAVIS : 01-03-2022:13:57:43
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8822835 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-03-2022:14:25:12
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8822735 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-03-2022:13:58:39
3720 - Proof of Service 01/03/2022 Extra Text: J. ALBERTER, T. LEUCHTERS, J. CHRISTIE ON 1/3/2022 - Transaction 8821625 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-03-2022:08:57:10
3720 - Proof of Service 01/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8821702 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-03-2022:09:15:39
3720 - Proof of Service 01/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8821702 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-03-2022:09:15:39
3720 - Proof of Service 01/03/2022 Extra Text: J. ALBERTER, T. LEUCHTERS, J. CHRISTIE ON 1/3/2022 - Transaction 8822826 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-03-2022:14:24:05
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 01/03/2022 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 12.29.21 - Transaction 8822897 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-03-2022:14:38:02
1085 - Amended Answer 01/03/2022 Extra Text: an additionional sheet to add to my "Opposition to Motion" - Transaction 8822607 - Approved By: MDAVIS : 01-03-2022:13:57:43
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8822905 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-03-2022:14:39:14
1085 - Amended Answer 01/03/2022 Extra Text: Opposition to petitions: Concerns I would like the Judge to address, - Transaction 8822607 - Approved By: MDAVIS : 01-03-2022:13:57:43
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8821554 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-03-2022:08:33:14
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8821559 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-03-2022:08:34:22
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8821567 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-03-2022:08:37:52
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8821632 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-03-2022:08:58:14
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/03/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8821714 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-03-2022:09:16:53
2645 - Opposition to Mtn ... 01/01/2022 Extra Text: OPPOSITION TO MOTION FOR CHANGE OF GUARDIANSHIP - Transaction 8821119 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 01-03-2022:08:31:49
2490 - Motion ... 01/01/2022 Extra Text: Transaction 8821128 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 01-03-2022:08:36:59
2490 - Motion ... 01/01/2022 Extra Text: OPPOSITION TO MOTION CONCERNS TO ADDRESS - Transaction 8821120 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 01-03-2022:08:33:08
1395 - Citation To Appear 12/30/2021 Extra Text: HEARING SET: 2/10/22 @ 2:00 P.M. - Transaction 8820125 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-30-2021:12:17:41
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/30/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8820127 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-30-2021:12:18:38
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/29/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8817201 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-29-2021:09:18:53
3645 - Petition ... 12/29/2021 Extra Text: PETITION FOR CONCERNS I WOULD LIKE THE JUDGE TO ADDRESS - Transaction 8819121 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-29-2021:20:56:26
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/29/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8817203 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-29-2021:09:19:54
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/29/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8819123 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-29-2021:20:59:17
2490 - Motion ... 12/28/2021 Extra Text: CHANGE OF GUARDIANSHIP - Transaction 8816897 - Approved By: NMASON : 12-28-2021:20:48:26
3860 - Request for Submission 12/28/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8816903 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-28-2021:19:01:34 DOCUMENT TITLE: MOTION TO FIND IN CONTEMPT PARTY SUBMITTING: JAMIE ALBERTER DATE SUBMITTED: 12/28/2021 SUBMITTED BY: MSALAZAR DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
3720 - Proof of Service 12/28/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8816897 - Approved By: NMASON : 12-28-2021:20:48:26
3720 - Proof of Service 12/28/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8816903 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-28-2021:19:01:34
3645 - Petition ... 12/28/2021 Extra Text: PETITION FOR CONCERNS I WOULD LIKE THE JUDGE TO ADDRESS - Transaction 8816909 - Approved By: MDAVIS : 12-29-2021:09:18:57
3645 - Petition ... 12/28/2021 Extra Text: PETITION FOR CONCERNS I WOULD LIKE THE JUDGE TO ADDRESS - Transaction 8816908 - Approved By: MDAVIS : 12-29-2021:09:17:55
2145 - Mtn Ord to Show Cause 12/28/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8816903 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-28-2021:19:01:34
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/28/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8816917 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-28-2021:20:49:24
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/28/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8816904 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-28-2021:19:02:34
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 12/27/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 12.26.21 - Transaction 8813563 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-27-2021:10:57:40
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/27/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8813568 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-27-2021:10:58:40
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/17/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8802695 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-17-2021:10:10:15
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 12/17/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 12.14.21 - Transaction 8802687 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-17-2021:10:09:09
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 12/15/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 12.10.21 - Transaction 8799716 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-15-2021:16:32:37
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/15/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8799723 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-15-2021:16:33:41
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/10/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8790782 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-10-2021:08:48:20
3835 - Report... 12/10/2021 Extra Text: FAMILY PEACE CENTER REPORT - Transaction 8790770 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-10-2021:08:44:01
3370 - Order ... 12/06/2021 Extra Text: ORDER RE: MOTIONS TO CHANGE VISITATION - Transaction 8780914 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-06-2021:08:31:50
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/06/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8780917 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-06-2021:08:32:53
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/29/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 11.26.21 - Transaction 8769604 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-29-2021:12:58:53
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/29/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8769608 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-29-2021:12:59:51
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/23/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8765845 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-23-2021:17:32:00
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/23/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – NO SHOW REPORT TYRONE LEUTCHERS - DATED: 11.20.21 - Transaction 8765842 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-23-2021:17:31:00
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/22/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8760875 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-22-2021:08:23:08
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/22/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – NO SHOW REPORT TYRONE LEUTCHERS - DATED: 11.11.21 - Transaction 8760872 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-22-2021:08:22:08
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/21/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8760696 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-21-2021:19:11:13
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/21/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 11.21.21 - Transaction 8760694 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-21-2021:19:10:13
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/16/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 11.11.21 - Transaction 8750590 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-16-2021:05:24:03
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/16/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8750592 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-16-2021:05:24:53
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/08/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8738852 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-08-2021:14:51:32
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/08/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8737951 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-08-2021:11:48:08
3720 - Proof of Service 11/08/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8738842 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-08-2021:14:50:20
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/08/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – NO SHOW REPORT - TYRONE LEUTCHERS - DATED: 10.31.21 - Transaction 8737943 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-08-2021:11:46:15
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/05/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8735289 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-05-2021:13:36:15
3720 - Proof of Service 11/05/2021 Extra Text: PROOF OF SERVICE - Transaction 8735278 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-05-2021:13:35:00
3860 - Request for Submission 11/05/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8735278 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-05-2021:13:35:00 DOCUMENT TITLE: GENERAL MOTION PARTY SUBMITTING: D. DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 11/05/2021 SUBMITTED BY: SJA DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/03/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8729247 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-03-2021:10:19:09
3250 - Ord Striking ... 11/03/2021 Extra Text: ORDER STRIKING REQUEST FOR SUBMISSION - Transaction 8729241 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-03-2021:10:18:05
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/01/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8725691 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-01-2021:16:53:07
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/01/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 10.31.21 - Transaction 8725687 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-01-2021:16:51:59
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/28/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8721800 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-28-2021:13:07:13
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/28/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER & TYRONE LEUCHTERS - DATED: 10.27.21 - Transaction 8721798 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-28-2021:13:06:14
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/22/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8712888 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-22-2021:15:57:38
2777 - Ord Approving ... 10/22/2021 Extra Text: ORDER APPROVING ANNUAL REPORT - Transaction 8712886 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-22-2021:15:56:38
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/20/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS TYRONE LEUTCHERS - DATED: 10.17.21 - Transaction 8706605 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-20-2021:07:41:19
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/20/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8706638 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-20-2021:07:57:45
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/20/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8706611 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-20-2021:07:43:36
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/20/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 10.17.21 - Transaction 8706635 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-20-2021:07:56:42
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/15/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8701439 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-15-2021:18:56:23
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/15/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8700658 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-15-2021:14:07:02
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/15/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8700236 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-15-2021:11:36:51
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/15/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8699595 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-15-2021:08:53:25
3720 - Proof of Service 10/15/2021 Extra Text: JAMIE ALBERTER, T.LEUCHTERS, J. CHRISTIE 10/14/2021 Transaction 8700233 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-15-2021:11:36:06
3860 - Request for Submission 10/15/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8699593 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-15-2021:08:52:32 DOCUMENT TITLE: MOTION FOR CHANGE OF CUSTODY OR VISITATION FILED SEPT 29, 2021 PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 10-15-21 SUBMITTED BY: YV DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
2490 - Motion ... 10/15/2021 Extra Text: GENERAL MOTION PAGES 1 AND 2 OF CONTINUATION TO MOTION - Transaction 8700336 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 10-15-2021:14:04:24
1020 - Addendum 10/15/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8701437 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-15-2021:18:55:29
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/10/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8689149 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-10-2021:14:27:04
3860 - Request for Submission 10/10/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8689148 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-10-2021:14:26:11 DOCUMENT TITLE: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GUARDIA OF A MINOR PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 10-10-21 SUBMITTED BY: YV DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
1125 - Annual Report of Guardian 10/10/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8689148 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-10-2021:14:26:11
3720 - Proof of Service 10/07/2021 Extra Text: DAWN DAVIS 10/4/21
2350 - Mtn Modify Custody/Visit 10/07/2021 Extra Text:
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/05/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS TYRONE LEUTCHERS - DATED: 10.2.21 - Transaction 8681719 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-05-2021:12:24:59
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/05/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8681739 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-05-2021:12:31:36
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/05/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8681722 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-05-2021:12:25:59
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/05/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 10.2.21 - Transaction 8681734 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-05-2021:12:30:32
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/04/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8679573 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-04-2021:13:36:31
3370 - Order ... 10/04/2021 Extra Text: ORDER ACKNOWLEDGING REQUESTS FOR SUBMISSION - Transaction 8679569 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-04-2021:13:35:33
3373 - Other ... 10/01/2021 Extra Text: EDITED CONTINUATION PG 2 OF 3 FOR MY OPPOSITION TO MOTION REPLY - Transaction 8676380 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 10-01-2021:09:33:05
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/01/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8676484 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-01-2021:09:34:02
1120 - Amended ... 09/30/2021 Extra Text: EDITED CONTINUATION PG 3 OF 3 FOR MY OPPOSITION TO MOTION REPLY Transaction 8674596 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-30-2021:11:56:13
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/30/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8674091 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-30-2021:09:58:44
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/30/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8674611 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-30-2021:11:57:23
2610 - Notice ... 09/30/2021 Extra Text: NOTICE OF STRICKEN DOCUMENT - Transaction 8674087 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 09-30-2021:09:57:41
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/29/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8672283 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-29-2021:12:57:53
2375 - Mtn Modify Visit/Support 09/29/2021 Extra Text: MOTION FOR CHANGE OF VISITATION EMAIL FROM JAMIE ON 9/26/21 - Transaction 8671870 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 09-29-2021:11:42:23
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/29/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8671513 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-29-2021:09:56:15
2645 - Opposition to Mtn ... 09/29/2021 Extra Text: OPPOSITION TO MOTION, EXHIBITS A-I - Transaction 8671461 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 09-29-2021:09:54:29
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/29/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8672056 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-29-2021:11:43:40
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/28/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8670969 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-28-2021:16:57:23
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/28/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 9.24.21 - Transaction 8670937 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-28-2021:16:55:07
2490 - Motion ... 09/20/2021 Extra Text: VISITING - Transaction 8654218 - Approved By: JBYE : 09-20-2021:10:29:04
3373 - Other ... 09/20/2021 Extra Text: COVID & PROOF OF NON VISITS - Transaction 8654232 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-20-2021:10:20:25
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/20/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8654283 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-20-2021:10:30:04
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/20/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8654238 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-20-2021:10:21:25
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/17/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8653121 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-17-2021:15:05:10
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/17/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8653235 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-17-2021:15:28:21
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/17/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – NO SHOW REPORT - TYRONE LEUTCHERS - DATED: 9.14.21 - Transaction 8653229 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-17-2021:15:27:26
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/17/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – NO SHOW REPORT - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 9.14.21 - Transaction 8653111 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-17-2021:15:02:20
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/10/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8641076 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-10-2021:14:50:15
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/10/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8640942 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-10-2021:14:25:19
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/10/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – NO SHOW REPORT - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 9.9.21 - Transaction 8640934 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-10-2021:14:23:59
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/10/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – NO SHOW REPORT - TYRONE LEUTCHERS - DATED: 9.9.21 - Transaction 8641074 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-10-2021:14:49:25
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/09/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8637908 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-09-2021:13:13:06
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/09/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8637846 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-09-2021:13:01:27
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/09/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – NO SHOW REPORTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - Transaction 8637898 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-09-2021:13:10:27
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/09/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – NO SHOW REPORTS - TYRONE LEUCHTERS - Transaction 8637843 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-09-2021:13:00:26
2525 - Notice of Change of Address 09/03/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8630939 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-03-2021:14:52:41
3373 - Other ... 09/03/2021 Extra Text: DFX: SET TO LEVEL 3 DUE TO PERSONAL INFORMATION; DRIVER LICENSE, NO WARRANT, LISA ROGERS LETTER, ET AL - Transaction 8630955 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-03-2021:14:55:25
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/03/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8630947 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-03-2021:14:53:47
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/03/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8630961 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-03-2021:14:56:28
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 08/20/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 8.12.21 - Transaction 8606728 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-20-2021:14:00:50
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/20/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8606739 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-20-2021:14:01:51
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/13/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8595878 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-13-2021:23:18:44
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 08/13/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 8.7.21 - Transaction 8595876 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-13-2021:23:17:43
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 07/27/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 7.26.21 - Transaction 8563862 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-27-2021:13:25:21
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/27/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8563864 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-27-2021:13:26:09
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/23/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8559835 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-23-2021:16:36:58
3835 - Report... 07/23/2021 Extra Text: FAMILY PEACE CENTER REPORT - Transaction 8559830 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-23-2021:16:34:21
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 07/20/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 7.18.21 - Transaction 8552134 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-20-2021:10:56:11
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/20/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8552138 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-20-2021:10:57:00
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 07/19/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 7.16.21 - Transaction 8550064 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-19-2021:12:07:51
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/19/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8550068 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-19-2021:12:08:40
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/12/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8538657 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-12-2021:15:07:13
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/12/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8538726 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-12-2021:15:19:55
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 07/12/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 7.11.21 - Transaction 8538719 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-12-2021:15:18:55
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 07/12/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS – NO SHOW REPORT - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 7.8.21 - Transaction 8538653 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-12-2021:15:06:19
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 07/06/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 7.3.21 - Transaction 8527769 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-06-2021:12:19:00
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/06/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8527772 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 07-06-2021:12:20:01
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/25/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8514214 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-25-2021:14:16:37
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 06/25/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 6.22.21 - Transaction 8514212 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-25-2021:14:15:47
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/22/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8506687 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-22-2021:11:52:04
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 06/22/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 6.20.21 - Transaction 8506679 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-22-2021:11:51:03
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/14/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8493486 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-14-2021:11:09:55
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 06/14/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - 6.11.2021 - Transaction 8493483 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-14-2021:11:08:56
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/09/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8487787 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-09-2021:15:07:24
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/09/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8487735 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-09-2021:14:44:46
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/09/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8487036 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-09-2021:11:52:36
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/09/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8486977 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-09-2021:11:38:25
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 06/09/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - NO SHOW REPORT 6.4.21 - TYRONE LEUCHTERS - Transaction 8487783 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-09-2021:15:06:35
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 06/09/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - 6.4.2021 - Transaction 8487732 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-09-2021:14:43:55
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 06/09/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - NO SHOW REPORT 5.28.21 - JAMIE ALBERTER - Transaction 8486968 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-09-2021:11:37:24
1607 - Dispositional Report 06/09/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - NO SHOW REPORT 5.28.21 - TYRONE LEUCHTERS - Transaction 8487027 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 06-09-2021:11:51:18
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/21/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8458312 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-21-2021:14:59:11
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 05/21/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - NO SHOW REPORTS 5.7.21; 5.12.21 & 5.17.21 - TYRONE LEUCHTERS - Transaction 8458304 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-21-2021:14:58:12
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/19/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8453368 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-19-2021:14:01:52
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 05/19/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - 5.17.21 - Transaction 8453358 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-19-2021:13:58:55
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/13/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8443859 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-13-2021:15:01:15
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 05/13/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - 5.12.21 - Transaction 8443857 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-13-2021:15:00:13
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/12/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8440491 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-12-2021:10:28:42
2700 - Ord After Hearing... 05/12/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8440485 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-12-2021:10:27:42
MIN - ***Minutes 05/11/2021 Extra Text: 5-11-21 REVIEW - Transaction 8438208 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-11-2021:11:06:28
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/11/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8438219 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-11-2021:11:07:31
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/10/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8435977 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-10-2021:12:11:52
3373 - Other ... 05/10/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8435975 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-10-2021:12:11:09
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/10/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8436687 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-10-2021:14:46:17
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 05/10/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - 5.7.2021 - Transaction 8436678 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-10-2021:14:45:11
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/07/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8433842 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-07-2021:12:50:44
3373 - Other ... 05/07/2021 Extra Text: EXHIBITS 1, 2, 3 Transaction 8433828 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-07-2021:12:49:38
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/05/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8429328 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-05-2021:13:35:28
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 05/05/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - NO SHOW REPORT - TYRONE LEUCHTERS - 4.30.21 - Transaction 8429316 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-05-2021:13:34:27
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/04/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8427494 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-04-2021:16:05:31
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 05/04/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - 4.30.2021 - Transaction 8427485 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 05-04-2021:16:04:32
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 04/26/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - 4.23.2021 - Transaction 8411657 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-26-2021:10:01:45
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/26/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8411663 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-26-2021:10:02:45
3242 - Ord Setting Hearing 04/23/2021 Extra Text: ON MOTION TO MODIFY CUSTODY OR VISITATION; INTERIM ORDERS PENDING HEARING - Transaction 8409700 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-23-2021:10:34:01
2842 - Ord Denying Motion 04/23/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8409722 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-23-2021:10:42:18
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 04/23/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - 4.22.2021 - Transaction 8409518 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-23-2021:09:46:47
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 04/23/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - NO SHOW REPORT 4.22.21 - TYRONE LEUCHTERS - Transaction 8409577 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-23-2021:10:00:11
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/23/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8409726 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-23-2021:10:43:19
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/23/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8409703 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-23-2021:10:34:58
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/23/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8409582 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-23-2021:10:01:08
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/23/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8409522 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-23-2021:09:47:49
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/22/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8408981 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-22-2021:16:43:01
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/21/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8405698 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-21-2021:11:23:24
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/21/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8405726 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-21-2021:11:30:26
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 04/21/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - NO SHOW REPORT 4.11.21 - JAMIE ALBERTER - Transaction 8405694 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-21-2021:11:22:22
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 04/21/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - NO SHOW REPORT 4.11.21 - TYRONE LEUCHTERS - Transaction 8405717 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-21-2021:11:29:24
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/07/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8382964 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-07-2021:13:39:01
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 04/07/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - NO SHOW REPORT 4.3.21 & 4.6.21 - TYRONE LEUTCHERS - Transaction 8382923 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-07-2021:13:33:33
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 04/07/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - NO SHOW REPORT 4.6.21 - JAMIE ALBERTER - Transaction 8382948 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-07-2021:13:37:26
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/07/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8382935 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-07-2021:13:34:40
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/05/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8376947 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-05-2021:09:59:10
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 04/05/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - 4.3.2021 - Transaction 8376941 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-05-2021:09:58:14
3720 - Proof of Service 04/01/2021 Extra Text: J ALBERTER T LEUCHTERS J CHRISTIE 4/1/21 Transaction 8373209 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-01-2021:13:41:22
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/01/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8373212 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-01-2021:13:42:06
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/01/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8373185 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 04-01-2021:13:31:25
3860 - Request for Submission 04/01/2021 Extra Text: - Transaction 8373038 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 04-01-2021:13:30:42 DOCUMENT TITLE: MOTION FOR CHANGE OF CUSTODY OR VISITATION FILED MARCH 15, 2021 PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 4-1-21 SUBMITTED BY: YV DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/31/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8370243 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-31-2021:11:53:44
1020 - Addendum 03/31/2021 Extra Text: TO OPPOSITION TO MOTION - Transaction 8370241 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-31-2021:11:52:41
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/30/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8368445 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-30-2021:14:10:01
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/30/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8368472 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-30-2021:14:16:34
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 03/30/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL CUMULATIVE DRUG SCREEN RESTULTS - TYRONE LEUCHTERS - DATED: 3.30.2021 - Transaction 8368441 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-30-2021:14:09:01
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 03/30/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL CUMULATIVE DRUG SCREEN RESTULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DATED: 3.30.2021 - Transaction 8368466 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-30-2021:14:15:32
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/29/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8364445 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-29-2021:08:57:26
2645 - Opposition to Mtn ... 03/27/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8364043 - Approved By: JBYE : 03-29-2021:08:56:21
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 03/23/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - 3.19.2021 - Transaction 8357098 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-23-2021:15:19:55
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/23/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8357102 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-23-2021:15:20:55
3373 - Other ... 03/23/2021 Extra Text: ATTACHED EXHIBITS - Transaction 8357439 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 03-23-2021:17:09:14
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/23/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8357572 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-23-2021:17:10:06
2350 - Mtn Modify Custody/Visit 03/15/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8343584 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-15-2021:16:49:22
3720 - Proof of Service 03/15/2021 Extra Text: JAMIE ALBERTER, TYRONE LEUCHTERS, J. CHRISTIE 3/15/21 Transaction 8343618 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-15-2021:16:54:32
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/15/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8343623 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-15-2021:16:55:25
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/15/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8343594 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-15-2021:16:50:16
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/10/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8336577 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-10-2021:16:45:35
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 03/10/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - 3.8.2021 - Transaction 8336567 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-10-2021:16:44:28
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/09/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8332026 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-09-2021:09:15:33
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 03/09/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - 3.4.2021 - Transaction 8332019 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-09-2021:09:14:32
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/02/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8320490 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-02-2021:11:24:34
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 03/02/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - 2.26.2021 - Transaction 8320488 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 03-02-2021:11:23:33
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/16/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8296081 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-16-2021:11:45:55
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 02/16/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - 2.13.2021 - Transaction 8296075 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-16-2021:11:44:56
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 02/04/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - NO SHOW REPORT 2.3.21 - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - Transaction 8279043 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-04-2021:10:01:39
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/04/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8279036 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-04-2021:10:01:03
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/04/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8279024 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-04-2021:09:58:47
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 02/04/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL CUMULATIVE DRUG SCREEN RESTULTS - TYRONE LEUCHTERS - Transaction 8278998 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-04-2021:09:54:47
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 02/04/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL CUMULATIVE DRUG SCREEN RESTULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - Transaction 8279021 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-04-2021:09:57:50
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 02/04/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - NO SHOW REPORT 2.3.21 - TYRON LEUCHTERS - Transaction 8279029 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-04-2021:09:59:47
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/04/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8279003 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-04-2021:09:55:38
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/04/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8279049 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 02-04-2021:10:02:40
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/11/2021 Extra Text: Transaction 8239929 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-11-2021:11:41:20
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 01/11/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - Transaction 8239928 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-11-2021:11:40:26
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 01/11/2021 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - TYRONE JAMES LEUCHTERS - Transaction 8239928 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 01-11-2021:11:40:26
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/30/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8225426 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-30-2020:20:31:30
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 12/30/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DECEMBER 30, 2020 - Transaction 8225425 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-30-2020:20:30:30
GRRI - Guardianship Required Information Sheet 12/23/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8217835 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-23-2020:14:52:45
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/23/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8217841 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-23-2020:14:53:39
3320 - Ord to File ... 12/17/2020 Extra Text: ORDER TO FILE GRRI - Transaction 8210091 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-17-2020:12:52:57
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/17/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8210094 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-17-2020:12:53:58
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 12/03/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - DECEMBER 1, 2020 - Transaction 8187953 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-03-2020:11:53:34
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/03/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8187954 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-03-2020:11:54:34
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/02/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8185615 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-02-2020:11:35:55
3835 - Report... 12/02/2020 Extra Text: MEMO Re: Mediation - Transaction 8185608 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 12-02-2020:11:34:40
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/25/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8178763 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-25-2020:12:28:59
3835 - Report... 11/25/2020 Extra Text: MEMO Re: Mediation - Transaction 8178760 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-25-2020:12:28:09
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/23/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8173116 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-23-2020:00:00:39
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/23/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8173126 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-23-2020:00:18:09
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/23/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - NOVEMBER 20, 2020 - Transaction 8173124 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-23-2020:00:17:09
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/22/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - TYRONE LEUCHTERS - Transaction 8173114 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-22-2020:23:59:39
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/18/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8167155 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-18-2020:10:25:36
1910 - Letters of Guardianship 11/18/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8167151 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-18-2020:10:22:53
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/17/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - TYRONE LEUCHTERS - Transaction 8165126 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-17-2020:10:35:26
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/17/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8165114 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-17-2020:10:33:28
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/17/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8165134 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-17-2020:10:36:28
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/17/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - Transaction 8165112 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-17-2020:10:30:36
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/13/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8160320 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-13-2020:10:19:30
1696 - Hrg Exhibits Maintnd in File 11/13/2020 Extra Text: EXHIBIT LIST AND PETITIONER'S D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, Q AND R - Transaction 8160310 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-13-2020:10:18:04
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/12/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8158481 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-12-2020:12:36:02
1780 - Guardian's Acknowledgment 11/12/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8158454 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 11-12-2020:12:35:09
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/10/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8156280 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-10-2020:13:55:03
2720P - Ord Appt Guardian - Person 11/10/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8156275 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-10-2020:13:54:03
MIN - ***Minutes 11/09/2020 Extra Text: TRIAL 10/22/2020 - Transaction 8154238 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-09-2020:15:06:56
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/09/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8154247 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-09-2020:15:08:07
3198 - Ord Relieving 11/09/2020 Extra Text: INVESTIGATOR - Transaction 8154494 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-09-2020:15:57:11
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/09/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8154497 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-09-2020:15:58:01
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/05/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8149150 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-05-2020:13:21:46
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/05/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - Transaction 8149195 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-05-2020:13:35:07
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 11/05/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - TYRONE LEUCHTERS - Transaction 8149146 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-05-2020:13:20:47
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/05/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8149203 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-05-2020:13:36:12
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/28/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8137752 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-28-2020:13:39:53
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/28/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8137826 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-28-2020:13:58:36
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/28/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - Transaction 8137749 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-28-2020:13:38:53
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/28/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - TYRONE LEUCHTERS - Transaction 8137821 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-28-2020:13:57:33
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/27/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8134915 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-27-2020:09:28:30
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/27/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - Transaction 8134912 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-27-2020:09:27:32
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/27/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - TYRONE LEUCHTERS - Transaction 8134926 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-27-2020:09:32:15
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/27/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8134933 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-27-2020:09:33:14
F275 - Bench N/J/T Judgment Reached 10/22/2020 Extra Text:
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/20/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8123962 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-20-2020:11:02:40
4205 - Trial Statement... 10/20/2020 Extra Text: TRIAL STATEMENT/LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR DEFENDANTS - Transaction 8123957 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-20-2020:11:01:41
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/19/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8122760 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-19-2020:15:33:26
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/19/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8122764 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-19-2020:15:34:06
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/19/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8123183 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-19-2020:20:22:03
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/19/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8121948 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-19-2020:12:29:05
3720 - Proof of Service 10/19/2020 Extra Text: TYRONE LEUCHTERS 10/19/20 Transaction 8123182 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-19-2020:20:21:21
3720 - Proof of Service 10/19/2020 Extra Text: TYRONE LEUCHTERS 10/14/20 Transaction 8122743 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-19-2020:15:32:48
3975 - Statement ... 10/19/2020 Extra Text: HEARING STATEMENT - Transaction 8122640 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 10-19-2020:15:32:12
1520 - Declaration 10/19/2020 Extra Text: OF DUE DILIGENCE Transaction 8122360 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-19-2020:14:10:34
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/19/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8122365 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-19-2020:14:11:27
4220 - Trial Statement - Plaintiff 10/19/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8121941 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-19-2020:12:28:11
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/14/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8116288 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-14-2020:15:58:37
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/14/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8115373 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-14-2020:12:37:41
2610 - Notice ... 10/14/2020 Extra Text: DFX: NO EXHIBIT ADDED TO COVER SHEET - Exhibit: T to be added to my evidence I uploaded yesterday - Transaction 8115362 - Approved By: NMASON : 10-14-2020:12:36:59
4105 - Supplemental ... 10/14/2020 Extra Text: EXHIBIT T Transaction 8116272 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-14-2020:15:57:21
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/13/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8113086 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-13-2020:11:46:28
2610 - Notice ... 10/13/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8113007 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 10-13-2020:11:45:22
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/12/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8110643 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-12-2020:11:58:37
2610 - Notice ... 10/12/2020 Extra Text: EVIDENCE FOR TRIAL - Transaction 8111033 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 10-12-2020:13:43:03
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/12/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8111127 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-12-2020:13:43:56
2840 - Ord Denying ... 10/12/2020 Extra Text: EX PARTE MOTION FOR REGARDING CHILDREN; ORDER REGARDING GUARDIAN'S OSC MOTION - Transaction 8111549 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-12-2020:15:24:04
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/12/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8111563 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-12-2020:15:25:15
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/12/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - Transaction 8110637 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-12-2020:11:57:37
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/12/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - TYRONE LEUCHTERS - Transaction 8110662 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-12-2020:12:02:52
2650 - Opposition to ... 10/08/2020 Extra Text: OPPOSITION TO MOTION FOR ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE - Transaction 8107414 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 10-08-2020:16:22:20
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/08/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8107496 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-08-2020:16:23:21
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/07/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - Transaction 8104746 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-07-2020:13:53:57
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/07/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8104753 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-07-2020:13:55:03
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/07/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8104732 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-07-2020:13:49:03
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/07/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - TYRONE LEUCHTERS - Transaction 8104726 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-07-2020:13:47:51
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/05/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - Transaction 8099037 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-05-2020:08:50:56
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/05/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8099040 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-05-2020:08:51:56
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/05/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8099055 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-05-2020:08:55:49
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 10/05/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - Transaction 8099048 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-05-2020:08:54:49
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/28/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8087435 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-28-2020:08:51:04
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/25/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - JAMIE LYNN ALBERTER - Transaction 8086146 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-25-2020:12:21:43
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/25/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - TYRONE LEUCHTERS - Transaction 8086125 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-25-2020:12:16:07
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/25/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8086127 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-25-2020:12:17:08
2645 - Opposition to Mtn ... 09/25/2020 Extra Text: DFX: EXHIBIT ATTACHED WITH DOCUMENT - Transaction 8086913 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 09-28-2020:08:50:10
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/25/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8086151 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-25-2020:12:22:59
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/22/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8080303 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-22-2020:15:04:18
2610 - Notice ... 09/22/2020 Extra Text: NOTICE OF RELEASE OF MEDIATOR - Transaction 8080244 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 09-22-2020:15:03:06
2840 - Ord Denying ... 09/22/2020 Extra Text: EX PARTE MOTION FOR "IN CAMERA INVESTIGATION" ; ORDER ACKNOWLEDGING REQUESTS FOR SUBMISSION - Transaction 8080432 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-22-2020:15:35:35
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/22/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8080435 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-22-2020:15:36:34
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/21/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8076169 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-21-2020:09:38:36
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/21/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8076226 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-21-2020:09:54:39
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/21/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8076230 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-21-2020:09:55:46
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/21/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8076386 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-21-2020:10:31:52
3250 - Ord Striking ... 09/21/2020 Extra Text: REQUEST FOR SUBMISSION - Transaction 8076221 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-21-2020:09:53:48
3860 - Request for Submission 09/21/2020 Extra Text: GENERAL AFFIDAVIT - Transaction 8076227 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-21-2020:09:54:56 Transaction 8075893 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-20-2020:19:56:47 DOCUMENT TITLE: GENERAL AFFIDAVIT (NO ORDER ATTACHED) PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 9/20/20 SUBMITTED BY: JBYE DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
1075 - Affidavit ... 09/21/2020 Extra Text: DFX: REQUEST FOR SUBMISSION IN SAME PDF GENERAL AFFIDAVIT - Transaction 8076030 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 09-21-2020:09:37:34 Transaction 8075893 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-20-2020:19:56:47 DOCUMENT TITLE: GENERAL AFFIDAVIT (NO ORDER ATTACHED) PARTY SUBMITTING: DAWN DAVIS DATE SUBMITTED: 9/20/20 SUBMITTED BY: JBYE DATE RECEIVED JUDGE OFFICE:
1075 - Affidavit ... 09/21/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8076378 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-21-2020:10:30:21
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/20/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8075894 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-20-2020:19:57:40
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/18/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8074182 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-18-2020:10:55:48
2145 - Mtn Ord to Show Cause 09/18/2020 Extra Text: DFX: REQUEST FOR SUBMISSION AND MULTIPLE OTHER DOCUMENTS IN SAME PDF; DOCUMENTS SEPARATED AND REFILED. Transaction 8073808 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-18-2020:09:23:31
1520 - Declaration 09/18/2020 Extra Text: IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR AN ORDER TO ENFORCE AND/OR FOR AN ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE REGARDING CONTEMPT - Transaction 8074179 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-18-2020:10:54:49
3720 - Proof of Service 09/18/2020 Extra Text: JAMIE ALBERTER 9/18/20 - Transaction 8074179 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-18-2020:10:54:49
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/18/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8073810 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-18-2020:09:24:24
2145 - Mtn Ord to Show Cause 09/18/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8074179 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-18-2020:10:54:49
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/17/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8073114 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-17-2020:15:35:08
1395 - Citation To Appear 09/17/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8073107 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-17-2020:15:34:10
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/17/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8072959 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-17-2020:15:00:17
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/15/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8068691 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-15-2020:15:59:57
3835 - Report... 09/15/2020 Extra Text: MEMO Re: Mediation - Transaction 8068683 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-15-2020:15:58:50
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/14/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8066656 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-14-2020:15:54:03
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/14/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - Transaction 8066652 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-14-2020:15:53:06
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/14/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - Transaction 8066595 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-14-2020:15:45:55
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/14/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8066607 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-14-2020:15:46:53
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/10/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8060476 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-10-2020:09:18:58
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/10/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8060445 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-10-2020:09:12:19
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/10/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - Transaction 8060439 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-10-2020:09:11:19
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/10/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - Transaction 8060469 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-10-2020:09:17:59
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/09/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8059317 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-09-2020:14:20:09
1638 - Drug/Alcohol Screen Results 09/09/2020 Extra Text: CONFIDENTIAL DRUG SCREEN RESULTS - Transaction 8059310 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-09-2020:14:19:22
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/04/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8054258 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-04-2020:12:43:37
2715 - Ord Appointing Counsel 09/04/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8054251 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-04-2020:12:40:14
3835 - Report... 09/03/2020 Extra Text: Investigative Report - ADH Investigations - Transaction 8052201 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-03-2020:13:45:39
2610 - Notice ... 09/03/2020 Extra Text: NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF MEDIATOR - Transaction 8052894 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 09-03-2020:16:19:26
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/03/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8052206 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-03-2020:13:46:38
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/03/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8052962 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-03-2020:16:20:36
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/02/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8049087 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-02-2020:09:49:09
4105 - Supplemental ... 08/28/2020 Extra Text: JAMIES TEXS AND EMAILS THE LAST 72 HRS TELLING ME WHAT I AM TO DO Transaction 8042727 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-28-2020:11:07:11
4105 - Supplemental ... 08/28/2020 Extra Text: JAMIES TEXS AND EMAILS THE LAST 72 HRS TELLING ME WHAT I AM TO DO Transaction 8042687 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-28-2020:10:53:11
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/28/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8043770 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-28-2020:15:31:09
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/28/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8042728 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-28-2020:11:07:53
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/28/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8042696 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-28-2020:10:54:05
2682 - Ord Addressing Motions 08/28/2020 Extra Text: ORDER REGARDING EX PARTE MOTIONS - Transaction 8043768 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-28-2020:15:30:10
4100 - Supplemental Petition 08/27/2020 Extra Text: PLEADING PAPER Transaction 8040882 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-27-2020:13:47:18
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/27/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8040885 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-27-2020:13:48:14
2745 - Ord Appointing ... 08/26/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8037394 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-26-2020:08:27:16
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/26/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8037401 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-26-2020:08:28:16
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/26/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8037337 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-26-2020:07:55:53
2740 - Ord Appoint Temp Guardian 08/26/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8038340 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-26-2020:13:06:36
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/26/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8039207 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-26-2020:16:18:14
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/26/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8038342 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-26-2020:13:07:37
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/26/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8038401 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-26-2020:13:17:28
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/26/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8038426 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-26-2020:13:23:29
2490 - Motion ... 08/26/2020 Extra Text: Jamie refusing to cooperate - Transaction 8039159 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 08-26-2020:16:17:18
2924 - Ord for Drug Screen 08/26/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8038419 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-26-2020:13:22:29
MIN - ***Minutes 08/26/2020 Extra Text: 8-25-20 TEMP - Transaction 8037334 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-26-2020:07:54:53
1920 - Letters Temporary Guardianship 08/26/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8038394 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-26-2020:13:16:31
1360 - Certificate of Service 08/24/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8034819 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-24-2020:16:30:41
2610 - Notice ... 08/24/2020 Extra Text: OF STRICKEN DOCUMENT - Transaction 8033385 - Approved By: JBYE : 08-24-2020:11:04:09 The Clerk of the Court hereby strikes the AMENDED INFORMATION filed by DAWN J DAVIS on 08/23/2020 from the case for the following reason(s) : Document does not have a District Court case number Document does not have an Affirmation Unsigned paper filed document
4105 - Supplemental ... 08/24/2020 Extra Text: EXHIBITS 1-4 Transaction 8033658 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-24-2020:12:00:22
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/24/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8034822 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-24-2020:16:31:24
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/24/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8033666 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-24-2020:12:03:10
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/24/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8033408 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-24-2020:11:05:05
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/23/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8032793 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-23-2020:10:46:24
1095 - Amended Information 08/23/2020 Extra Text: The Clerk of the Court hereby strikes the AMENDED INFORMATION filed by DAWN J DAVIS on 08/23/2020 from the case for the following reason(s) : Document does not have a District Court case number Document does not have an Affirmation Unsigned paper filed document Transaction 8032790 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-23-2020:10:45:32
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/20/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8030202 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-20-2020:15:20:43
2610 - Notice ... 08/17/2020 Extra Text: OF STRICKEN DOCUMENT - Transaction 8021190 - Approved By: JBYE : 08-17-2020:08:40:40 The Clerk of the Court hereby strikes the AMENDED filed by DAWN J DAVIS on 08/14/2020 from the case for the following reason(s) : Unsigned paper filed document
2610 - Notice ... 08/17/2020 Extra Text: OF STRICKEN DOCUMENT - Transaction 8021190 - Approved By: JBYE : 08-17-2020:08:40:40 The Clerk of the Court hereby strikes the AMENDED filed by DAWN J DAVIS on 08/14/2020 from the case for the following reason(s) : Unsigned paper filed document
2610 - Notice ... 08/17/2020 Extra Text: OF STRICKEN DOCUMENT - Transaction 8021190 - Approved By: JBYE : 08-17-2020:08:40:40 The Clerk of the Court hereby strikes the AMENDED filed by DAWN J DAVIS on 08/14/2020 from the case for the following reason(s) : Document does not have a District Court case number Document does not have an Affirmation Unsigned paper filed document
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/17/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8021192 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-17-2020:08:41:30
1120 - Amended ... 08/14/2020 Extra Text: The Clerk of the Court hereby strikes the AMENDED filed by DAWN J DAVIS on 08/14/2020 from the case for the following reason(s) : Document does not have a District Court case number Document does not have an Affirmation Unsigned paper filed document Transaction 8020523 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-14-2020:15:35:25
1120 - Amended ... 08/14/2020 Extra Text: The Clerk of the Court hereby strikes the AMENDED filed by DAWN J DAVIS on 08/14/2020 from the case for the following reason(s) : Unsigned paper filed document Transaction 8020523 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-14-2020:15:35:25
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/14/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8020454 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-14-2020:15:20:29
1120 - Amended ... 08/14/2020 Extra Text: The Clerk of the Court hereby strikes the AMENDED filed by DAWN J DAVIS on 08/14/2020 from the case for the following reason(s) : Unsigned paper filed document Transaction 8020447 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-14-2020:15:19:45
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/14/2020 Extra Text: Transaction 8020529 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-14-2020:15:36:12
3480 - Pet Appt Temp Guard Minor No$ 08/14/2020 Extra Text: PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN(S) OVER CHILD INCLUDING REQUEST FOR TEMPORARY GUARDIANSHIP - Transaction 8020177 - Approved By: CSULEZIC : 08-14-2020:14:16:54

Notice: This is NOT an Official Court Record