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Case Information
Case Description: PR19-00512 - TRUST: EDWARD F. CALLAHAN FAMILY TRUST 3-19-1986
Filing Date: 09/09/2019
Status: Case Disposed

Case Cross Reference
Cross Reference Number
No Cross Reference Numbers Available

Case Parties
Seq Type Name
2 ATTY - Attorney Rader, Esq., Bryce L.

Event Information
Date/Time Hearing Judge Event Description Outcome
11/13/2019 at 10:00 AM Honorable PROB. COMM. GORMAN HP26 - OTHER PROB/TRST/GDSHP HRG D840 - Under Advisement filed on: 11/13/2019
Extra Text: JAVS/COURTROOM B/LSCURLOCK 11/13/2019: Petition for Order confirming Trust Assets. Court FINDS regarding the issue of the Petition for Order confirming Trust Assets, this matter will be taken UNDER ADVISEMENT.
10/30/2019 at 10:00 AM Honorable PROB. COMM. GORMAN HP26 - OTHER PROB/TRST/GDSHP HRG D445 - Heard - Continued filed on: 10/30/2019
Extra Text: JAVS/COURTROOM B/LSCURLOCK 10/30/2019: Petition for Order confirming Trust Assets. COURT ORDERED: Supplement is to be filed by November 8, 2019. COURT ORDERED: Matter continued to November 13, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. for Petition for Order confirming Trust Assets.

Docket Entry Information
Docket Description Date Filed Extra Text
2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 11/19/2019 Extra Text: Transaction 7595670 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-19-2019:10:47:08
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/19/2019 Extra Text: Transaction 7595681 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-19-2019:10:48:11
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/14/2019 Extra Text: Transaction 7589081 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-14-2019:15:18:15
2777 - Ord Approving ... 11/14/2019 Extra Text: ORDER CONFIRMING TRUST ASSETS - Transaction 7589066 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-14-2019:15:16:01
F140 - Adj Summary Judgment 11/14/2019 Extra Text:
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/14/2019 Extra Text: Transaction 7587388 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-14-2019:08:40:26
MIN - ***Minutes 11/14/2019 Extra Text: 11/13/2019: Petition for Order confirming Trust Assets. - Transaction 7587386 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-14-2019:08:39:26
1501 - Cure Order - Filing Deficiency 11/08/2019 Extra Text: ORDER STRIKING SUPPLEMENT ... - Transaction 7580382 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-08-2019:13:19:23
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/08/2019 Extra Text: Transaction 7580475 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-08-2019:13:37:52
4105 - Supplemental ... 11/08/2019 Extra Text: Transaction 7580459 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-08-2019:13:35:43
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/08/2019 Extra Text: Transaction 7580390 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-08-2019:13:20:35
4100 - Supplemental Petition 11/07/2019 Extra Text: DFX: EXHIBIT CONTAINS PERSONAL INFO, SET TO SECURITY LEVEL 3 Transaction 7576850 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-07-2019:09:51:10 DOCUMENT STRICKEN PER COURT ORDER FILED 11/8/19
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/07/2019 Extra Text: Transaction 7576855 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-07-2019:09:52:10
MIN - ***Minutes 10/31/2019 Extra Text: 10/30/2019: Petition for Order confirming Trust Assets. - Transaction 7565325 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-31-2019:08:25:45
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/31/2019 Extra Text: Transaction 7565330 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-31-2019:08:26:36
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/09/2019 Extra Text: Transaction 7473658 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-09-2019:12:52:50
NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/09/2019 Extra Text: Transaction 7473970 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-09-2019:14:15:03
$3544 - $Pet Living Trust 200K or more 09/09/2019 Extra Text: PETITION FOR ORDER CONFIRMING TRUST ASSETS - Transaction 7472893 - Approved By: YVILORIA : 09-09-2019:10:30:38
PAYRC - **Payment Receipted 09/09/2019 Extra Text: A Payment of $527.50 was made on receipt DCDC645406.
2550 - Notice of Hearing 09/09/2019 Extra Text: 10-30-19 @10:00 - Transaction 7473649 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-09-2019:12:51:40
1040P - Affidavit of Mailing - PR 09/09/2019 Extra Text: Transaction 7473945 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-09-2019:14:13:22

Notice: This is NOT an Official Court Record