Available Online Forms and Packets
Welcome to the Forms and Packets section of the Website. The items below were created and have been approved for use in the Second Judicial District Court. For other forms, please visit the Legal Forms section of the Law Library page
Electronic filing is mandatory for all cases. Administrative Order 2018-12.
Instructional Videos
- How to Attach an Exhibit (External link to YouTube)
- How to Electronically File via Eflex (External link to YouTube)
- How to File Miscellaneous Documents (External link to YouTube)
Family Related Forms
- 0. Instructions.pdf 2.48 mb
- 1. Emancipation Checklist.pdf 0.09 mb
- 2. Petition for Emancipation.pdf 0.56 mb
- 3. Consent for Emancipation.pdf 0.02 mb
- 4. Consent for Emancipation.pdf 0.02 mb
- 5. General Financial Disclosure Form.pdf 0.22 mb
- 6. Notice.pdf 0.05 mb
- 7. Declaration of Personal Service.pdf 0.51 mb
- 8. Declaration of Personal Service.pdf 0.51 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.77 mb
- 1. Notice to Set.pdf 0.49 mb
- 2. Proof of Service.pdf 0.02 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.15 mb
- 1. Subpoena.pdf 0.05 mb
- 2. Declaration of Personal Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.95 mb
- 1. Substitution of Counsel.pdf 0.5 mb
- 2. Proof of Service.pdf 0.02 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.73 mb
- 1. Notice of Change of Address.pdf 0.49 mb
- 2. Proof of Service.pdf 0.02 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.78 mb
- 1. Declaration and Schedule of Arrearages.pdf 0.08 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.54 mb
- 1. Request for Mediation.pdf 0.51 mb
- 2. General Financial Disclosure Form.pdf 0.22 mb
- 3. Proof of Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- 4. Reply to Opposition to Request for Mediation.pdf 0.52 mb
- 5. Request for Submission.pdf 0.03 mb
- 6. Proof of Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.37 mb
- 1. Petition.pdf 0.27 mb
- 2. Declaration of Resident Witness.pdf 0.05 mb
- GA - Admonishment of Rights.pdf 0.57 mb
- GA - Certificate of Service.pdf 0.56 mb
- GA - Declaration of Service.pdf 0.04 mb
- GA - Monthly Budget.pdf 0.54 mb
- GA - Request for Submission.pdf 0.03 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.22 mb
- 1. Petition for Appointment of Guardian(s) Over Adult & Index of Exhibits.pdf 1.37 mb
- 2. Exhibit Cover Page A & Physician's Certificate with Needs Assessment.pdf 0.82 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page B & List of Adult's Relatives.pdf 0.58 mb
- 4. Exhibit Cover Page C & Information Regarding the Proposed Protected Person's Estate.pdf 0.56 mb
- 5. Initial Plan of Care for the Protected Adult Person.pdf 0.63 mb
- 6. Monthly Budget.pdf 1.02 mb
- 7. Confidential Information Sheet - Guardianship.pdf 0.57 mb
- 8. Citation to Appear and Show Cause.pdf 0.72 mb
- 9. Declaration of Service on Adult Protected Person.pdf 0.54 mb
- 10. Certificate of Mailing for the Petition for Appointment of Guardians.pdf 0.16 mb
- 0. (Part A) Instructions.pdf 0.21 mb
- 1. Petition for Appointment of Guardian(s) Request for Temp Guardianship.pdf 1.74 mb
- 2. Exhibit Cover Page A & Physician's Certificate with Needs Assessment.pdf 0.71 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page B & List of Adult's Relatives.pdf 0.59 mb
- 4. Exhibit Cover Page C & Info Re the Proposed Protected Person's Estate.pdf 0.56 mb
- 5. Initial Plan of Care for the Protected Adult Person.pdf 0.68 mb
- 6. Monthly Budget.pdf 1.02 mb
- 7. Confidential Information Sheet - Guardianship.pdf 0.56 mb
- 8. Request for Submission.pdf 0.51 mb
- 0. (Part B) Instructions.pdf 0.24 mb
- 1. Declaration of Service on Adult Proposed Protected Person.pdf 0.52 mb
- 2. Certificate of Mailing for the Petition for Appointment of Guardian.pdf 0.65 mb
- 3. Citation to Appear and Show Cause.pdf 0.54 mb
- 4. Declaration of Service on Adult Proposed Protected Person.pdf 0.53 mb
- 5. Certificate of Mailing for the Petition for Appointment of Guardians.pdf 0.65 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 3.76 mb
- 1. Petition to Transfer Adult Guardianship to Nevada & Index of Exhibits.pdf 1.09 mb
- 2. Exhibit Cover Page A & List of Adult's Relatives.pdf 0.6 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page B & Information Regarding the Protected Person's Estate.pdf 0.54 mb
- 4. Exhibit Cover Page C.pdf 0.51 mb
- 5. Confidential Information Sheet.pdf 0.54 mb
- 6. Citation to Appear and Show Cause.pdf 0.55 mb
- 7. Declaration of Service on Adult Protected Person.pdf 0.53 mb
- 8. Certificate of Mailing for the Petition to Transfer Adult Guardianship to Nevada.pdf 0.65 mb
- 9. Guardian's Acknowledgment of Duties and Responsibilites of the Person (Adult).pdf 0.54 mb
- 10. Guardian's Acknowledgment of Duties and Responsibilites of the Estate (Adult).pdf 0.54 mb
- 11. Letters of Guardianship.pdf 0.52 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.52 mb
- 1. Consent and Waiver.pdf 0.03 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 2.32 mb
- 1. Objection to Petition for Guardianship & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.09 mb
- 2. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.01 mb
- 3. Certificate of Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- 4. Declaration of Personal Service.pdf 0.04 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 2.31 mb
- 1. Opposition & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.06 mb
- 2. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.02 mb
- 3. Certificate of Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- 4. Declaration of Personal Service.pdf 0.59 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 3.12 mb
- 1. Petition for Visitation - Contact & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.55 mb
- 2. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.49 mb
- 3. Notice of Hearing.pdf 0.53 mb
- 4. Declaration of Personal Service.pdf 0.52 mb
- 5. Declaration of Personal Service.pdf 0.52 mb
- 6. Certificate of Mailing.pdf 0.52 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.82 mb
- 1. Petition & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.04 mb
- 2. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.01 mb
- 3. Citation to Appear and Show Cause.pdf 0.06 mb
- 4. Certificate of Mailing.pdf 0.03 mb
- 5. Declaration of Personal Service.pdf 0.09 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.98 mb
- 1. Petition for Authority to List and Sell Real Property and Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.54 mb
- 2. Exhbit Cover Page.pdf 0.04 mb
- 3. Notice of Hearing.pdf 0.52 mb
- 4. Certificate of Service for Petition and Notice of Hearing.pdf 0.52 mb
- 5. Notice of Sale.pdf 0.55 mb
- 6. Certificate of Service for Notice of Sale.pdf 0.51 mb
- 7. Proof of Publication (Sale of Real Property).pdf 0.54 mb
- 8. Certificate of Servie for Proof of Publication.pdf 0.55 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.9 mb
- 1. Petition for Confirmation of Sale of Real Property and Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.59 mb
- 2. Exhibit Cover Page A.pdf 0.04 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page B.pdf 0.04 mb
- 4. Exhibit Cover Page C.pdf 0.04 mb
- 5. Notice of Hearing.pdf 0.52 mb
- 6. Certificate of Service.pdf 0.55 mb
- 0. Instructions (GA14).pdf 2.08 mb
- 1. Petition to Release Funds from Blocked Account & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.07 mb
- 2. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.02 mb
- 3. Request for Submission.pdf 0.03 mb
- 4. Certificate of Mailing.pdf 0.06 mb
- 5. Declaration of Service.pdf 0.06 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.22 mb
- 1. Petition to Resign as Guardian(s).pdf 0.06 mb
- 2. Citation to Appear and Show Cause.pdf 0.06 mb
- 3. Certificate of Service.pdf 0.08 mb
- 4. Declaration of Service.pdf 0.07 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.97 mb
- 1. Petition to Remove Guardian(s) & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.53 mb
- 2. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.49 mb
- 3. Citation to Appear and Show Cause.pdf 0.55 mb
- 4. Certificate of Mailing.pdf 0.54 mb
- 5. Declaration of Service.pdf 0.52 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.2 mb
- 1. Accounting.pdf 0.58 mb
- 2. Notice of Hearing.pdf 0.82 mb
- 3. Certificate of Service.pdf 0.56 mb
- 4. Declaration of Service.pdf 0.04 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.5 mb
- 1. Request to Convert Petition to Establish Custody to Joint Petition.pdf 0.74 mb
- 2. Joint Petition to Establish Custody and Visitation.pdf 3.13 mb
- 3. Request for Submission & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.69 mb
- 4. Exhibit Cover Page & Order Establishing Custody, Visitation, and Child Support.pdf 2.08 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.77 mb
- 1. Rule 48.pdf 0.59 mb
- 2. Exhibits Index Page.pdf 0.01 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.01 mb
- 4. Custody and Visitation Schedule.pdf 0.83 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.33 mb
- 1. Notice of Intent to Take Default.pdf 0.02 mb
- 2. Clerk's Default.pdf 0.01 mb
- 3. Declaration in Support of Default.pdf 0.04 mb
- 4. Request for Submission.pdf 0.02 mb
- 5. Notice of Entry of Decree - Order.pdf 0.02 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.16 mb
- 1. Family Court Information Sheet.pdf 1.82 mb
- 2. Joint Petition for Summary Decree of Divorce with Children.pdf 3.36 mb
- 3. Declaration of Resident Witness.pdf 0.52 mb
- 4. Request for Submission & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.7 mb
- 5. Exhibit Cover Page & Decree of Divorce.pdf 0.72 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.17 mb
- 1. Family Court Information Sheet.pdf 1.8 mb
- 2. Complaint for Divorce.pdf 1 mb
- 3. General Financial Disclosure Form.pdf 0.22 mb
- 4. Declaration of Resident Witness.pdf 0.53 mb
- 5. Summons.pdf 0.02 mb
- 6. Declaration of Personal Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.18 mb
- 1. Family Court Information Sheet.pdf 1.82 mb
- 2. Complaint for Divorce with Children.pdf 3.23 mb
- 3. General Financial Disclosure Form.pdf 0.22 mb
- 4. Declaration of Resident Witness.pdf 0.71 mb
- 5. Summons.pdf 0.02 mb
- 6. Declaration of Personal Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.43 mb
- 1. Family Court Information Sheet.pdf 1.8 mb
- 2. Joint Petition for Summary Annulment (No Minor Children).pdf 0.33 mb
- 3. Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.67 mb
- 4. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.71 mb
- 5. Declaration of Resident Witness.pdf 0.06 mb
- 6. Declaration of Resident Witness.pdf 0.06 mb
- 7. Request for Submission & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.09 mb
- 8. Exhibit Cover Page & Decree of Annulment.pdf 0.11 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 2.4 mb
- 1. Family Court Information Sheet.pdf 1.8 mb
- 2. Complaint for Annulment & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.06 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.01 mb
- 4. Declaration of Resident Witness.pdf 0.51 mb
- 5. Summons.pdf 0.02 mb
- 6. Declaration of Personal Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.54 mb
- 1. Family Court Information Sheet.pdf 1.82 mb
- 2. Joint Petition for Annulment with Minor Children.pdf 3.28 mb
- 3. Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.67 mb
- 4. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.71 mb
- 5. Declaration of Resident Witness.pdf 0.06 mb
- 6. Declaration of Resident Witness.pdf 0.06 mb
- 7. Request for Submission & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.1 mb
- 8. Exhibit Cover Page & Decree of Annulment.pdf 0.23 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 3.21 mb
- 1. Family Court Information Sheet.pdf 1.8 mb
- 2. Complaint for Separate Maintenance.pdf 0.32 mb
- 3. General Financial Disclosure Form.pdf 0.22 mb
- 4. Declaration of Resident Witness.pdf 1.04 mb
- 5. Summons.pdf 0.02 mb
- 6. Declaration of Personal Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 6.7 mb
- 1. Family Court Information Sheet.pdf 1.82 mb
- 2. Complaint for Legal Separation with Minor Children.pdf 0.79 mb
- 3. General Financial Disclosure Form.pdf 0.22 mb
- 4. Declaration of Resident Witness.pdf 0.52 mb
- 5. Summons.pdf 0.02 mb
- 6. Declaration of Personal Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.81 mb
- 1. Ex Parte Motion Regarding Children.pdf 0.67 mb
- 2. Exhibits Index Page.pdf 0.01 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.01 mb
- 4. Request for Submission.pdf 0.04 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.9 mb
- 1. Ex Parte Emergency Motion.pdf 3.61 mb
- 2. Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.02 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.01 mb
- 4. Request for Submission.pdf 3.59 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.57 mb
- 1. Ex Parte Motion for Publication of Summons and Declaration of Due Diligence in Support of Publication.pdf 0.6 mb
- 2. Request for Submission & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.51 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page & Order for Publication.pdf 0.53 mb
- 4. Proof of Mailing & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.51 mb
- 5. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.52 mb
- 6. Proof of Publication & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.51 mb
- 7. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.52 mb
- 8. Request for Submission.pdf 0.5 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.29 mb
- 1. Ex Parte Motion for Alternative Service of Summons and Declaration of Due Diligence in Support of Alternative Service.pdf 0.1 mb
- 2. Request for Submission & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.51 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page & Order for Alternative Service.pdf 0.55 mb
- 4. Proof of Alternative Service.pdf 0.51 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.76 mb
- 1. Ex Parte Motion Non-Emergency.pdf 0.61 mb
- 2. Index of Exhibits.pdf 1.24 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.49 mb
- 4. Request for Submission.pdf 0.57 mb
- 5. Proof of Service.pdf 0.55 mb
- GM - Certificate of Service.pdf 0.52 mb
- 1. GM - Cover Page.pdf 0.51 mb
- 2. GM - Request for Submission.pdf 0.03 mb
- GM - Declaration of Service.pdf 0.12 mb
- 1. GM - Notice of Hearing.pdf 0.04 mb
- 2. Certficate of Service.pdf 0.56 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.27 mb
- 1. Petition for Appointment of Guardian(s) Over Child & Index of Exhibits.pdf 1.31 mb
- 2. Exhibit Cover Page A & List of Minor's Relatives.pdf 0.08 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page B & Information Regarding the Proposed Protected Minor's Estate (if applicable).pdf 0.55 mb
- 4. Exhibit Cover Page C.pdf 0.52 mb
- 5. Confidential Information Sheet - Guardianship Required Information Sheet.pdf 0.86 mb
- 6. Citation to Appear and Show Cause.pdf 0.54 mb
- 7. Certificate of Mailing.pdf 0.83 mb
- 8. Declaration of Service.pdf 0.11 mb
- 9. Guardian’s Acknowledgment of Duties and Responsibilities of the Person (Minor).pdf 0.52 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 3.45 mb
- 1. Petition for Appointment of Guardian Over Child Including Request for Temp Guardianship.pdf 3.52 mb
- 2. Exhibit Cover Page A & List of Minor's Relatives.pdf 0.08 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page B & Information Regarding the Proposed Protected Minor's Estate (if applicable).pdf 0.55 mb
- 4. Exhibit Cover Page C.pdf 0.52 mb
- 5. Declaration in Support of Petition for Appointment of Temporary Guardianship.pdf 0.52 mb
- 6. Guardianship Required Information (Minor).pdf 0.86 mb
- 7. Request for Submission.pdf 0.52 mb
- 8. Certificate of Mailing.pdf 0.82 mb
- 9. Declaration of Service.pdf 0.09 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.6 mb
- 1. Consent - Waiver of Parent.pdf 0.04 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.61 mb
- 1. Consent and Waiver.pdf 0.03 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 2.35 mb
- 1. Objection to Petition for Guardianship.pdf 0.04 mb
- 2. Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.01 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.02 mb
- 4. Certificate of Service.pdf 0.53 mb
- 5. Declaration of Personal Service.pdf 0.11 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 2.35 mb
- 1. Opposition.pdf 0.51 mb
- 2. Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.5 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.5 mb
- 4. Certificate of Service.pdf 0.55 mb
- 5. Declaration of Personal Service.pdf 0.11 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.97 mb
- 1. Petition for Permission to Move Out of State.pdf 0.54 mb
- 2. Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.5 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.5 mb
- 4. Citation to Appear and Show Cause.pdf 0.54 mb
- 5. Certificate of Mailing.pdf 0.52 mb
- 6. Declaration of Service.pdf 0.11 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 2.72 mb
- 1. Petition for Visitation - Contact.pdf 0.18 mb
- 2. Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.5 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.5 mb
- 4. Notice of Hearing.pdf 0.53 mb
- 5. Declaration of Personal Service.pdf 0.11 mb
- 6. Certificate of Mailing.pdf 0.53 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.94 mb
- 1. Petition.pdf 0.52 mb
- 2. Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.5 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.5 mb
- 4. Citation to Appear and Show Cause.pdf 0.54 mb
- 5. Certificate of Mailing.pdf 0.52 mb
- 6. Declaration of Service.pdf 0.06 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.48 mb
- 1. Consent and Waiver.pdf 0.53 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.98 mb
- 1. Petition to Release Funds from Blocked Account.pdf 0.56 mb
- 2. Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.5 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.5 mb
- 4. Citation to Appear and Show Cause.pdf 0.54 mb
- 5. Certificate of Mailing.pdf 0.54 mb
- 6. Declaration of Service.pdf 0.11 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 2.02 mb
- 1. Petition to Resign as Guardian(s).pdf 0.53 mb
- 2. Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.5 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.5 mb
- 4. Citation to Appear and Show Cause.pdf 0.54 mb
- 5. Certificate of Service.pdf 0.54 mb
- 6. Declaration of Service.pdf 0.11 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 2.05 mb
- 1. Petition to Remove Guardian(s).pdf 1.04 mb
- 2. Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.5 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.5 mb
- 4. Citation to Appear and Show Cause.pdf 0.54 mb
- 5. Certificate of Mailing.pdf 0.55 mb
- 6. Declaration of Service.pdf 0.12 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 2.05 mb
- 1. Petition for Termination of Guardianship (Minor).pdf 1.33 mb
- 2. Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.5 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.5 mb
- 4. Citation to Appear and Show Cause.pdf 0.54 mb
- 5. Certifcate of Mailing.pdf 0.54 mb
- 6. Declaration of Service.pdf 0.09 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.82 mb
- 1. Ex Parte Motion Regarding Guardianship of a Minor.pdf 0.87 mb
- 2. Exhibits Index Page.pdf 0.02 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.71 mb
- 4. Request for Submission.pdf 0.78 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 3.16 mb
- 1. Petition to Transfer Guardianship of a Child to Nevada.pdf 0.97 mb
- 2. Exhibit Cover Page A.pdf 0.05 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page B & List of Minor's Relatives.pdf 0.17 mb
- 4. Exhibit Cover Page C & Information Regarding the Proposed Protected Minor's Estate (if applicable).pdf 0.6 mb
- 5. Guardianship Required Information (Minor).pdf 0.86 mb
- 6. Citation to Appear and Show Cause.pdf 0.86 mb
- 7. Certificate of Mailing.pdf 0.81 mb
- 8. Declaration of Service.pdf 0.82 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 3.76 mb
- 1. Petition for Registration and Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.84 mb
- 2. Exhibit Cover Page A.pdf 0.1 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page B.pdf 0.1 mb
- 4. Guardianship Required Information (Minor).pdf 0.86 mb
- 5. Citation to Appear and Show Cause.pdf 0.86 mb
- 6. Certificate of Mailing.pdf 0.82 mb
- 7. Declaration of Service.pdf 0.84 mb
- Addendum.pdf 0.02 mb
- Affirmation Page Instructions.pdf 0.01 mb
- Affirmation Page.pdf 0.03 mb
- Application for Setting.pdf 0.17 mb
- Copy Request Form.pdf 0.15 mb
- Cover Page.pdf 0.02 mb
- 1. Declaration.pdf 0.5 mb
- 2. Request for Submission - Declaration.pdf 0.02 mb
- Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.71 mb
- Exhibits Index Pages.pdf 0.02 mb
- JV - Ex Parte Motion.pdf 0.06 mb
- JV - Motion.pdf 0.06 mb
- JV - Proof of Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- JV - Proof of Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- List of Proposed Exhibits.pdf 0.15 mb
- Proof of Service.pdf 0.77 mb
- List of Witnesses.pdf 0.14 mb
- Proof of Service.pdf 0.77 mb
- Minor Work Permit Consent.pdf 0.21 mb
- 1. Notice - General.pdf 0.52 mb
- 2. Request for Submission - Notice.pdf 0.03 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.73 mb
- 1. Notice of Change of Address.pdf 0.49 mb
- 2. Proof of Service.pdf 0.02 mb
- Peremptory Challenge.pdf 0.09 mb
- Pleading Paper (with Lines).pdf 0.01 mb
- Pleading Paper (no lines).pdf 0.01 mb
- Proof of Service.pdf 0.77 mb
- 1. Requst For Judges Conference.pdf 0.5 mb
- 2. Request for Submission.pdf 0.51 mb
- Request for Submission.pdf 0.02 mb
- Demand to Seal File.pdf 0.51 mb
- Summons.pdf 0.02 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.11 mb
- 1. Trial Statement Divorce - With Children.pdf 1.17 mb
- 1a. Trial Statement Property Schedule.pdf 0.77 mb
- 1b. Trial Statement Debt Schedule.pdf 0.77 mb
- 2. Proof of Service.pdf 0.79 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.11 mb
- 1. Trial Statement Divorce - No Children.pdf 1.3 mb
- 1a. Trial Statement Property Schedule.pdf 0.77 mb
- 1b. Trial Statement Debt Schedule.pdf 0.77 mb
- 2. Proof of Service.pdf 0.79 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.11 mb
- 1. Trial Statement - Unmarried Parties.pdf 0.85 mb
- 2. Proof of Service.pdf 0.79 mb
- Verification.pdf 0.5 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 3.98 mb
- 1. Motion for Review and Modification of Child Support.pdf 0.73 mb
- 2. General Financial Disclosure Form.pdf 0.22 mb
- 3. Proof of Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- 4. Reply to Opposition to Motion for Review and Modification of Child Support.pdf 0.53 mb
- 5. Request for Submission.pdf 0.01 mb
- 6. Proof of Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.26 mb
- 1. Motion for Change of Custody or Visitation.pdf 0.94 mb
- 2. Declaration of Moving Party.pdf 0.8 mb
- 3. Proof of Service.pdf 0.77 mb
- 4. Reply to Opposition to Motion for Change of Custody or Visitation.pdf 0.79 mb
- 5. Request for Submission.pdf 0.74 mb
- 6. Proof of Service.pdf 0.77 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.16 mb
- 1. Motion.pdf 0.51 mb
- 2. Proof of Service.pdf 0.53 mb
- 3. Reply to Opposition to Motion.pdf 0.52 mb
- 4. Request for Submission.pdf 0.56 mb
- 5. Proof of Service.pdf 0.51 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.24 mb
- 1. Demand and or Motion to Change Venue.pdf 0.63 mb
- 2. Proof of Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- 3. Reply to Opposition to Demand and or Motion for Change of Venue.pdf 0.04 mb
- 4. Request for Submission.pdf 0.01 mb
- 5. Proof of Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.27 mb
- 1. Motion for Reimbursed Health Care Expenses & Index of Exhibits.pdf 1.11 mb
- 2. Exhibit Cover Page 1.pdf 0.51 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page 2.pdf 0.51 mb
- 4. Proof of Service.pdf 0.51 mb
- 5. Reply to Opposition to Motion.pdf 0.51 mb
- 6. Request for Submission.pdf 0.5 mb
- 7. Proof of Service.pdf 0.5 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.25 mb
- 1. Motion for an Order to Enforce and or for an Order to Show Cause Regarding Contempt & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.66 mb
- 2. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.02 mb
- 3. Declaration of Moving Party.pdf 0.81 mb
- 4. Proof of Service.pdf 0.51 mb
- 5. Reply to Opposition to Motion for an Order to Enforce and or for an Order to Show Cause.pdf 0.03 mb
- 6. Request for Submission.pdf 0.01 mb
- 7. Proof of Service.pdf 0.52 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.34 mb
- 1. Motion for Permission to Relocate.pdf 0.93 mb
- 2. Proof of Service.pdf 0.79 mb
- 3. Reply to Opposition to Motion for Permission to Relocate.pdf 0.81 mb
- 4. Request for Submission.pdf 0.74 mb
- 5. Proof of Service.pdf 0.79 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.3 mb
- 1. Motion for School Choice for Minor Child(ren).pdf 0.73 mb
- 2. Proof of Service.pdf 11.23 mb
- 3. Reply to Opposition to Motion.pdf 0.71 mb
- 4. Request for Submission.pdf 0.69 mb
- 5. Proof of Service.pdf 0.7 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.2 mb
- 1. Petition for Adult Name Change.pdf 0.54 mb
- 2. Notice.pdf 0.5 mb
- 3. Proof of Publication.pdf 0.54 mb
- 4. Request for Submission & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.5 mb
- 5. Exhibit Cover Page & Order Changing Name.pdf 0.52 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.35 mb
- 1. Minor's Consent to Name Change.pdf 0.04 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.15 mb
- 1. Ex Parte Motion for Publication of Notice and Declaration of Due Diligence in Support of Publication.pdf 0.59 mb
- 2. Request for Submission & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.51 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page & Order for Publication.pdf 0.53 mb
- 4. Proof of Publication of Notice for Minor Name Change & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.51 mb
- 5. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.52 mb
- 6. Proof of Mailing & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.51 mb
- 7. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.52 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.66 mb
- 1. Answer to Counterclaim.pdf 0.99 mb
- 2. Proof of Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 2.72 mb
- 1. Family Court Information Sheet.pdf 1.82 mb
- 2. Answer.pdf 0.04 mb
- 3. General Financial Disclosure Form.pdf 0.22 mb
- 4. UCCJEA (Required with Minor Children).pdf 0.14 mb
- 5. Proof of Service.pdf 0.04 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.94 mb
- 1. Objection to Proposed Order.pdf 0.05 mb
- 2. Request for Submission.pdf 0.03 mb
- 3. Proof of Service.pdf 0.02 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 2.95 mb
- 1. Family Court Information Sheet.pdf 1.8 mb
- 2. Answer and Counterclaim to Divorce.pdf 0.19 mb
- 3. General Financial Disclosure Form.pdf 0.22 mb
- 4. Proof of Service.pdf 0.02 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 5.54 mb
- 1. Family Court Information Sheet.pdf 0.12 mb
- 2. Answer and Counterclaim to Divorce with Children.pdf 1.13 mb
- 3. General Financial Disclosure Form.pdf 0.22 mb
- 4. Proof of Service.pdf 0.15 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.66 mb
- 1. Opposition to Motion.pdf 0.52 mb
- 2. Proof of Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.95 mb
- 1. Opposition to Motion for Unreimbursed Health Care Expenses.pdf 0.6 mb
- 2. Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.03 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.01 mb
- 4. Proof of Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.84 mb
- 1. Opposition to Motion for School Choice.pdf 0.73 mb
- 2. Proof of Service.pdf 9.25 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.83 mb
- 1. Opposition to Motion for Permission to Relocate.pdf 0.87 mb
- 2. Proof of Service.pdf 0.77 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.47 mb
- 1. Family Court Information Sheet.pdf 1.82 mb
- 2. Petition to Establish Custody and Visitation.pdf 3.13 mb
- 3. General Financial Disclosure Form.pdf 0.22 mb
- 4. Summons.pdf 0.02 mb
- 5. Declaration of Personal Service.pdf 0.03 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 2.12 mb
- 1. Family Court Information Sheet.pdf 1.82 mb
- 2. Petition for Child Visitation.pdf 0.55 mb
- 3. Summons.pdf 0.02 mb
- 4. Declaration of Personal Service.pdf 0.04 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 2.62 mb
- 1. Family Court Information Sheet.pdf 1.82 mb
- 2. Petition to Register a Custody Order & Index of Exhibits.pdf 1.54 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page 1.pdf 0.76 mb
- 4. Exhibit Cover Page 2.pdf 0.77 mb
- 5. Notice of Petition to Register a Custody Order.pdf 0.74 mb
- 6. Proof of Certified Mailing & Index of Exhibits.pdf 1.5 mb
- 7. Exhibit Cover Page 1.pdf 0.76 mb
- 8. Request for Submission.pdf 0.74 mb
- 9. Proof of Service.pdf 0.75 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.47 mb
- 1. Ex Parte Motion for Publication of Notice and Declaration of Due Diligencein Support of Publication.pdf 0.74 mb
- 2. Request for Submission and Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.68 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page and Order for Publication.pdf 0.67 mb
- 4. Proof of Publication of Notice Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.68 mb
- 5. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.71 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 0.64 mb
- 1. Ex Parte Motion.pdf 0.53 mb
- 2. Request for Submission.pdf 0.74 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.24 mb
- 1. Confidential Information Sheet.pdf 0.45 mb
If writing by hand, print this version:
Application for Protection Order Against Domestic Violence (Printable).pdf
If typing, use this version:
Application for Protection Order Against Domestic Violence (PDF fillable).pdf - 3. Civil Instruction Sheet.pdf 0.16 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 2.05 mb
- 1. Confidential Information Sheet.pdf 0.45 mb
If writing by hand, print this version:
Application for Protection Order Against Domestic Violence (Printable).pdf
If typing, use this version:
Application for Protection Order Against Domestic Violence (PDF fillable).pdf - 3. UCCJEA Declaration.pdf 1.41 mb
- 4. Civil Instruction Sheet.pdf 0.16 mb
- 0. Instructions - AP Minor child no minor children.pdf 1.19 mb
- 1. Confidential Information Sheet_Minor Adverse Party.pdf 0.85 mb
If writing by hand, print this version:
Application for Protection Order Against Domestic Violence (Printable).pdf
If typing, use this version:
Application for Protection Order Against Domestic Violence (PDF fillable).pdf - 3. Civil Instruction Sheet.pdf 0.16 mb
- 0. Instructions - With Minor Children or OBO.pdf 1.76 mb
- 1. Confidential Information Sheet_Minor Adverse Party.pdf 0.85 mb
If writing by hand, print this version:
Application for Protection Order Against Domestic Violence (Printable).pdf
If typing, use this version:
Application for Protection Order Against Domestic Violence (PDF fillable).pdf - 3. UCCJEA Declaration.pdf 1.41 mb
- 4. Civil Instruction Sheet.pdf 0.16 mb
- 0. Instructions - AP Minor child.pdf 0.76 mb
- 1. Stalking Harassment Sexual Assault Confidential Information Sheet.pdf 0.8 mb
If writing by hand, print this version:
Application for Protection Minor Adverse Party (Printable).pdf
If typing, use this version:
Application for Protection Minor Adverse Party (PDF fillable).pdf - 2. Application for Protection Minor Adverse Party (Printable).pdf 0.26 mb
General Jurisdiction Related Forms
- Foreclosure - Mediation Scheduling Notice.pdf 0.02 mb
- Foreclosure - Mediator's Statement.pdf 0.05 mb
- Foreclosure - Notice of Exchange of Documents Conf.pdf 0.02 mb
- Foreclosure - Notice of Recusal.pdf 0.01 mb
- Foreclosure - Petition for Foreclosure Mediation.pdf 0.8 mb
- Foreclosure - Request for Continuance.pdf 0.04 mb
- 2021 Summons - Civil.pdf 0.01 mb
- Addendum to Complaint - Family Division.pdf 0.01 mb
- ADKT 544.pdf 14.23 mb
- ATTORNEY_BADGE_APPLICATION_112011a.pdf 0.06 mb
- Audio Visual Equipment Guide.pdf 0.5 mb
- Civil Cover Sheet Business Court.pdf 0.55 mb
- Civil Cover Sheet Family.pdf 0.54 mb
- Civil Cover Sheet General Jurisdiction .pdf 0.55 mb
- CompiledDataRequestForm.pdf 0.04 mb
- Copy Request Form.pdf 0.15 mb
- Court Reporter Badge Application and Instructions- 2015.pdf 0.12 mb
- CV-4 Request for Confidential Address NRS 247.530 NRS 250.130 NRS 293.906.pdf 0.94 mb
- CV-5 Request for Confidential Address pursuant to AB 225, 82nd Session 2023.pdf 1.56 mb
- Declaration - Universal Family Division.pdf 0.01 mb
- Detailed Financial Disclosure Form (Excel).xls 1.65 mb
- DocumentCodesList rev 11.18.2024.pdf 0.34 mb
- ElectronicBinderRequestForm.pdf 0.17 mb
- Filing Fee Schedule.pdf 0.27 mb
- Media Submission Form.pdf 0.78 mb
- NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS EMAIL General Jurisdiction.pdf 0.02 mb
- Presumptive Maximum Amounts Fiscal Year 2014.pdf 0.09 mb
- Presumptive Maximum Amounts Fiscal Year 2015.pdf 0.07 mb
- Presumptive Maximum Amounts Fiscal Year 2016.pdf 0.13 mb
- Presumptive Maximum Amounts Fiscal Year 2017.pdf 0.19 mb
- Presumptive Maximum Amounts Fiscal Year 2018.pdf 0.08 mb
- Presumptive Maximum Amounts Fiscal Year 2019.pdf 0.06 mb
- Presumptive Maximum Amounts of child support historical amounts 2017.pdf 0.02 mb
- Public Guardians General Acknowledgement of Duties and Responsibilities Under NRS 159.073(3).pdf 0.36 mb
- Records Search Request Form.pdf 0.13 mb
- Request for Submission - Civil.pdf 0.05 mb
- Request for Video of Court Proceedings.pdf 0.1 mb
- WashoeDistrictCourtRule10.pdf 0.2 mb
- Certificate of Service.pdf 0.07 mb
- Inventory.pdf 0.12 mb
- Objection with Verification.pdf 0.09 mb
- Petition with Verification.pdf 3.74 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.42 mb
- 1. Petition for Discharge.pdf 0.8 mb
- 2. Request for Submission.pdf 0.8 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 2.02 mb
- 1. Application to Domesticate a Foreign Judgment & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.51 mb
- 2. Exhibit Cover Page 1.pdf 0.02 mb
- 3. Affidavit of Judgment Creditor.pdf 1 mb
- 4. Notice of Registration Foreign Judgment and Affidavit of Judgment Creditor.pdf 0.49 mb
- 5. Affidavit of Certified Mailing & Index of Exhibits.pdf 0.5 mb
- 6. Exhibit Cover Page 1.pdf 0.02 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 2.52 mb
- 1. Writ of Execution.pdf 0.51 mb
- 2. Notice of Execution.pdf 0.02 mb
- 3. Washoe County Sheriff's Office Instructions for Execution.pdf 0.13 mb
- 4. Objection to Claim of Exemption from Execution.pdf 0.02 mb
- 5. Notice of Hearing on Objection to Claim of Exemption from Execution.pdf 0.02 mb
- 6. Proof of Service Notice of Hearing on Objection to Claim of Exemption.pdf 0.52 mb
- 0. Instructions.pdf 1.79 mb
- 1. Claim of Exemption from Execution.pdf 1.03 mb
- 2. Exhibits Index Page.pdf 0.01 mb
- 3. Exhibit Cover Page.pdf 0.01 mb
- 4. Proof of Service.pdf 0.52 mb
- HR - Notice of Hearing.pdf 0.83 mb
- Notice of Transmittal.pdf 0.9 mb
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EBSCO Legal Information Reference Center – can be accessed using a user ID and password provided by the Law Library.
Please contact the Law Library for details: 775-328-3250 or LawLibrary@washoecourts.us.