Detailed Case Information - CV21-00184


Filing Date: 02/01/2021

Case Type: TO - OTHER TORT

Status: Pending Active

Printer Friendly Version

Case Parties

Seq No. Type Name
2 ATTY - Attorney Ginn, Esq., William R.
3 DEFT - Defendant BERGIN, LEO
5 ATTY - Attorney Leverty, Esq., Patrick R.
6 ATTY - Attorney Rinehart, Esq., Jess Patrick
7 ATTY - Attorney Leverty, Esq., Vernon E.
19 ATTY - Attorney Shanks, Esq., Therese M.
20 ATTY - Attorney Beavers, Esq., Wade
21 ATTY - Attorney Miller O'Mara, Esq., Courtney
25 ATTY - Attorney Ogilvie III, Esq., George F.
26 ATTY - Attorney Addison, Esq., Matthew Christopher
27 ATTY - Attorney Armendariz, Esq., Julia L.
29 ATTY - Attorney Thome, Esq., Sheri M.
30 ATTY - Attorney Stoberski, Esq., Michael E

Reference Numbers

Reference Number
1. SCN 85241

Event Information

Date/Time Hearing Judge Event Description Outcome
1. 11/04/2025 at 9:00 AM Honorable LYNNE JONES H852 - TRIAL - JURY
- filed on:
2. 10/09/2025 at 1:30 PM Honorable LYNNE JONES H536 - MOTION TO CONFIRM TRIAL
- filed on:
3. 01/16/2025 at 3:00 PM Honorable LYNNE JONES H820 - STATUS HEARING
- filed on:
4. 10/15/2024 at 3:30 PM Honorable LYNNE JONES H820 - STATUS HEARING
D445 - Heard - Continued filed on: 10/15/2024
5. 09/24/2024 at 11:00 AM Honorable LYNNE JONES H820 - STATUS HEARING
D875 - Vacated - Court filed on: 09/23/2024
6. 09/10/2024 at 1:00 PM Honorable LYNNE JONES H820 - STATUS HEARING
D875 - Vacated - Court filed on: 09/04/2024
7. 07/26/2024 at 4:24 PM Honorable LYNNE JONES S1 - Request for Submission
S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 10/10/2024
8. 06/26/2024 at 1:00 PM Honorable LYNNE JONES H820 - STATUS HEARING
D445 - Heard - Continued filed on: 06/26/2024
9. 05/29/2024 at 1:00 PM Honorable LYNNE JONES H820 - STATUS HEARING
D875 - Vacated - Court filed on: 05/23/2024
10. 03/26/2024 at 2:30 PM Honorable LYNNE JONES H820 - STATUS HEARING
D445 - Heard - Continued filed on: 03/26/2024
11. 07/25/2023 at 9:00 AM Honorable LYNNE JONES H852 - TRIAL - JURY
D845 - Vacated filed on: 08/16/2022
12. 06/15/2023 at 1:30 PM Honorable LYNNE JONES H756 - PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCE
D845 - Vacated filed on: 08/16/2022
13. 04/27/2023 at 1:30 PM Honorable LYNNE JONES H820 - STATUS HEARING
D845 - Vacated filed on: 08/16/2022
14. 12/15/2022 at 1:30 PM Honorable LYNNE JONES H816 - STATUS CONFERENCE
D435 - Heard ... filed on: 12/15/2022
15. 11/29/2022 at 11:35 AM Honorable LYNNE JONES S1 - Request for Submission
S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 12/15/2022
16. 08/31/2022 at 10:00 AM Honorable DISCOVERY WESLEY AYRES S1 - Request for Submission
S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 09/19/2022
17. 08/10/2022 at 12:13 PM Honorable LYNNE JONES S1 - Request for Submission
S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 10/10/2022
18. 06/14/2022 at 5:21 PM Honorable LYNNE JONES S1 - Request for Submission
S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 08/15/2022
19. 05/24/2022 at 3:00 PM Honorable LYNNE JONES H432 - MOTION ...
D840 - Under Advisement filed on: 05/24/2022
20. 05/24/2022 at 3:30 PM Honorable LYNNE JONES S1 - Request for Submission
S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 08/10/2022
21. 04/21/2022 at 2:00 PM Honorable DISCOVERY WESLEY AYRES H264 - DISCOVERY HEARING
D435 - Heard ... filed on: 04/21/2022
22. 12/20/2021 at 11:00 AM Honorable LYNNE JONES S1 - Request for Submission
S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 03/09/2022
23. 08/19/2021 at 5:00 PM Honorable LYNNE JONES S1 - Request for Submission
S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 11/02/2021
24. 08/19/2021 at 2:00 PM Honorable LYNNE JONES H364 - HEARING...
D840 - Under Advisement filed on: 08/19/2021
25. 04/26/2021 at 1:46 PM Honorable LYNNE JONES S1 - Request for Submission
S200 - Request for Submission Complet filed on: 07/12/2021

Docket Entry Information

Docket Description Date Filed
1. 1085 - Amended Answer 11/08/2024
2. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/08/2024
3. 3175 - Ord Re: Hearing Procedure 10/14/2024
4. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/14/2024
5. 3060 - Ord Granting Mtn ... 10/10/2024
6. 2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 10/10/2024
7. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/10/2024
8. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/10/2024
9. 1250 - Application for Setting 09/23/2024
10. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/23/2024
11. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/12/2024
12. 2610 - Notice ... 09/12/2024
13. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/04/2024
14. 1250 - Application for Setting 09/04/2024
15. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/26/2024
16. 3860 - Request for Submission 07/26/2024
17. 1835 - Joint Case Conference Report 06/26/2024
18. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/26/2024
19. 3835 - Report... 06/25/2024
20. 3835 - Report... 06/25/2024
21. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/25/2024
22. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/25/2024
23. 2610 - Notice ... 06/18/2024
24. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/18/2024
25. 3175 - Ord Re: Hearing Procedure 06/18/2024
26. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/18/2024
27. 1250 - Application for Setting 06/17/2024
28. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/17/2024
29. 1250 - Application for Setting 05/28/2024
30. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/28/2024
31. 1835 - Joint Case Conference Report 04/23/2024
32. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/23/2024
33. CHECK - **Trust Disbursement 04/22/2024
34. 2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 04/10/2024
35. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/10/2024
36. 2980 - Ord Return of Appeal Bond 04/09/2024
37. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/09/2024
38. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/25/2024
39. 3175 - Ord Re: Hearing Procedure 03/25/2024
40. 4111 - Supreme Ct Clk's Cert & Judg 03/22/2024
41. 4128 - Supreme Court Order Denying 03/22/2024
42. 4140 - Supreme Court Ord Reversing 03/22/2024
43. 4128 - Supreme Court Order Denying 03/22/2024
44. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/22/2024
45. 4145 - Supreme Court Remittitur 03/22/2024
46. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/20/2024
47. 1250 - Application for Setting 03/20/2024
48. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/01/2024
49. 2590 - Notice Withdrawal of Attorney 03/01/2024
50. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/26/2024
51. 4125 - Supreme Court Order... 02/26/2024
52. 1290 - Association of Counsel 01/05/2024
53. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/05/2024
54. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/04/2024
55. 3347 - Ord to Set 01/04/2024
56. 4128 - Supreme Court Order Denying 12/19/2023
57. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/19/2023
58. 3863 - **Submit regarding Appeals 11/21/2023
59. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/21/2023
60. 4140 - Supreme Court Ord Reversing 11/21/2023
61. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/08/2023
62. 2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 03/08/2023
63. 3370 - Order ... 03/07/2023
64. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/07/2023
65. 4050 - Stipulation ... 02/24/2023
66. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/24/2023
67. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/10/2023
68. 2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 01/10/2023
69. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/10/2023
70. 3370 - Order ... 01/10/2023
71. 4185 - Transcript 01/02/2023
72. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01/02/2023
73. 3175 - Ord Re: Hearing Procedure 12/11/2022
74. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/11/2022
75. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/07/2022
76. 3868 - Req to Crt Rptr - Rough Draft 12/07/2022
77. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/07/2022
78. 2589 - Notice of Stricken Document 12/07/2022
79. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/07/2022
80. 3868 - Req to Crt Rptr - Rough Draft 12/07/2022
81. 3795 - Reply... 11/29/2022
82. 3860 - Request for Submission 11/29/2022
83. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/29/2022
84. 2645 - Opposition to Mtn ... 11/22/2022
85. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/22/2022
86. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/08/2022
87. 2490 - Motion ... 11/08/2022
88. 2550 - Notice of Hearing 11/01/2022
89. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/01/2022
90. 3880 - Response... 10/17/2022
91. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/17/2022
92. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/14/2022
93. 2610 - Notice ... 10/14/2022
94. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/11/2022
95. 2630 - Objection to ... 10/11/2022
96. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10/10/2022
97. 3347 - Ord to Set 10/10/2022
98. 1945 - Master's Recommendation/Ord 09/19/2022
99. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/19/2022
100. 1188 - Supreme Court Receipt for Doc 09/12/2022
101. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09/12/2022
102. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/31/2022
103. 3370 - Order ... 08/31/2022
104. 1187 - **Supreme Court Case No. ... 08/29/2022
105. 4113 - District Ct Deficiency Notice 08/25/2022
106. 4113 - District Ct Deficiency Notice 08/25/2022
107. 1350 - Certificate of Clerk 08/25/2022
108. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/25/2022
109. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/24/2022
110. PAYRC - **Payment Receipted 08/24/2022
111. SAB - **Supreme Court Appeal Bond 08/24/2022
112. PAYRC - **Payment Receipted 08/24/2022
113. $2515 - $Notice/Appeal Supreme Court 08/24/2022
114. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/24/2022
115. 2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 08/16/2022
116. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/16/2022
117. 3060 - Ord Granting Mtn ... 08/15/2022
118. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/15/2022
119. 1477 - **Consolidated With... 08/10/2022
120. 3015 - Ord Granting Consolidation 08/10/2022
121. 3795 - Reply... 06/14/2022
122. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/14/2022
123. 3860 - Request for Submission 06/14/2022
124. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 06/07/2022
125. 2645 - Opposition to Mtn ... 06/07/2022
126. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/24/2022
127. 3980 - Stip and Order... 05/24/2022
128. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/23/2022
129. 3175 - Ord Re: Hearing Procedure 05/23/2022
130. 2490 - Motion ... 05/11/2022
131. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/11/2022
132. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 05/09/2022
133. MIN - ***Minutes 05/09/2022
134. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/14/2022
135. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/14/2022
136. 3696 - Pre-Trial Order 03/14/2022
137. 2550 - Notice of Hearing 03/14/2022
138. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/10/2022
139. A120 - Exemption from Arbitration 03/10/2022
140. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/09/2022
141. 3347 - Ord to Set 03/09/2022
142. 2610 - Notice ... 03/03/2022
143. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/03/2022
144. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/03/2022
145. 2610 - Notice ... 03/03/2022
146. 1250E - Application for Setting eFile 02/16/2022
147. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/16/2022
148. 3370 - Order ... 02/14/2022
149. 1835 - Joint Case Conference Report 02/14/2022
150. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/14/2022
151. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/14/2022
152. 4050 - Stipulation ... 02/11/2022
153. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/11/2022
154. 2589 - Notice of Stricken Document 02/11/2022
155. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/11/2022
156. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/11/2022
157. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/11/2022
158. 2589 - Notice of Stricken Document 02/11/2022
159. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/11/2022
160. 4050 - Stipulation ... 02/11/2022
161. 4050 - Stipulation ... 02/11/2022
162. PAYRC - **Payment Receipted 12/22/2021
163. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/22/2021
164. 1580 - Demand for Jury 12/21/2021
165. JF - **First Day Jury Fees Deposit 12/21/2021
166. 3795 - Reply... 12/20/2021
167. 3860 - Request for Submission 12/20/2021
168. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/20/2021
169. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/20/2021
170. 2645 - Opposition to Mtn ... 12/01/2021
171. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12/01/2021
172. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/24/2021
173. 1130 - Answer ... 11/24/2021
174. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/16/2021
175. 2175 - Mtn for Reconsideration 11/16/2021
176. 2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 11/02/2021
177. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/02/2021
178. 2842 - Ord Denying Motion 11/02/2021
179. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11/02/2021
180. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/17/2021
181. 4105 - Supplemental ... 08/17/2021
182. 3370 - Order ... 08/16/2021
183. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08/16/2021
184. 1250E - Application for Setting eFile 07/15/2021
185. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/15/2021
186. 3347 - Ord to Set 07/12/2021
187. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 07/12/2021
188. 3860 - Request for Submission 04/26/2021
189. 3795 - Reply... 04/26/2021
190. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/26/2021
191. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 04/20/2021
192. 2645 - Opposition to Mtn ... 04/19/2021
193. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 03/29/2021
194. 2315 - Mtn to Dismiss ... 03/29/2021
195. PAYRC - **Payment Receipted 03/29/2021
196. $DEFT - $Addl Def/Answer - Prty/Appear 03/29/2021
197. $1560 - $Def 1st Appearance - CV 03/29/2021
198. 1520 - Declaration 02/19/2021
199. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/19/2021
200. 1090 - Amended Complaint 02/16/2021
201. 4090 - ** Summons Issued 02/16/2021
202. 4090 - ** Summons Issued 02/16/2021
203. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/16/2021
204. NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02/16/2021
205. PAYRC - **Payment Receipted 02/02/2021
206. $PLTF - $Addl Plaintiff/Complaint 02/01/2021
207. $PLTF - $Addl Plaintiff/Complaint 02/01/2021
208. $PLTF - $Addl Plaintiff/Complaint 02/01/2021
209. $PLTF - $Addl Plaintiff/Complaint 02/01/2021
210. $PLTF - $Addl Plaintiff/Complaint 02/01/2021
211. $1425 - $Complaint - Civil 02/01/2021
212. $PLTF - $Addl Plaintiff/Complaint 02/01/2021
213. $PLTF - $Addl Plaintiff/Complaint 02/01/2021
The District Court is comprised of 16 departments. Each Judge sits in a differently numbered Department. When a Judge leaves service, the new Judge's name replaces the former Judge's name on all matters pending and previously closed in that department. This change will not reflect that a previous sitting Judge presided over a matter.