Resource Center


Resource Center
Second Judicial District Court
One South Sierra, 3rd floor
Reno, NV 89501
(775) 325-6731

Mailing Address:
Second Judicial District Court
Resource Center
75 Court Street
Reno, NV 89501

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
4th Thursday of the Month:
8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Closed
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Litigant Services Manager

Barbara Keyl Barbara Keyl

Obtaining Copies of Court Records

Getting Started

  • The case number – if you don’t know this, you can search by name by clicking here
  • The number of pages
    • Divorce decrees are a flat rate of $6.00 per certified copy, you do not need the number of pages. For other documents, your total cost will be 50 cents per page and $3 per document certified. If you can’t see the document to count the pages, find your case number and then call the Resource Center.
  • Total cost – The total cost is the number of pages multiplied by 50 cents plus the cost of any additional fees. For example, a certified document with 5 pages (5 x 50 cents = 2.50) would be $2.50 for the number of pages and then $3.00 for the certification (2.50 + 3.00 = 5.50), for a total of $5.50.

Once you have the information above, please request your copies with one of the following methods:

  1. Use our online payment portal from the convenience of anywhere with an internet connection. You will need:

  2. Send an e-mail to our Records Request department at You will need:
    • The information from the green “Getting Started” section above
    • A filled-out Copy Request form – get one here

  3. Mail the request to the court. You will need:
    • The information from the green “Getting Started” section above
    • A money order or cashier’s check
    • A filled-out Copy Request form – get one here
    • A self-addressed, stamped envelope with your address as the return address
    • Mail the request to the following address:
      Second Judicial District Court
      Attn: Mail Desk
      75 Court Street
      Reno, NV 89501

  4. Come in person to the Resource Center at One South Sierra Street Reno, NV 89501. You will need:
    • The case number
    • Credit card with picture ID, cashier’s check, money order, or cash

  5. Complete the Request for Video of Court Proceedings form and then follow steps 2, 3, or 4 above.