Department 15 - Honorable David Hardy


Judge David Hardy is a fifth-generation Nevadan whose progenitors settled the Virgin Valley in the 1870s. He was appointed to the District Court, Family Division, in January, 2005, and elected without opposition to the General Jurisdiction Division in 2010. Judge Hardy was a partner in the Law Firm of Hardy & Woodman before his appointment to the bench.

Education. Judge Hardy graduated from Brigham Young University, magna cum laude, and with honors from Brigham Young University Law School where he served as managing editor of the BYU Law Review. Judge Hardy earned a M.A. in Judicial Studies in 2008 and a Ph.D. in Judicial Studies in 2015. His M.A. and Ph.D. were conferred by the University of Nevada, Reno.

Scholarship. Judge Hardy is actively involved in the scholarship of law. In 2015 he was elected member of the American Law Institute. He was an adjunct professor at the University of Nevada, Reno (Judicial Processes; Business Law and Commercial Transactions) and often served on the faculty of the National Judicial College. Judge Hardy is a frequent lecturer at continuing legal education conferences where he primarily focuses on judicial ethics and legal matters affecting the elderly. Of particular note is Judge Hardy's judicial ethics scholarship, demonstrated by more than 120 essays published by the Washoe County Bar Association. Judge Hardy’s scholarly contributions are encapsulated in his recent book, Profiles in Judicial Excellence: Territorial and Supreme Court Justices of Nevada, where he provides a comprehensive account of the lives and contributions of many Justices who honorably served the State of Nevada. His publications are:

Hon. David A. Hardy, Profiles in Judicial Excellence: Territorial and Supreme Court Justices of Nevada, University of Nevada Press, 2025.

Hon. David A. Hardy, The Nevada Territorial Supreme Court: A Transitional Influence from Frontier Lawlessness to Statehood. Dissertation, University of Nevada, Reno, ProQuest/UMI, 2015. (Publication No. UMI 3707834)

Hon. David A. Hardy, Nevada's Territorial Courts: An Unrecognized Political Influence Toward Statehood, NEVADA LAWYER, Oct. 2014, at 12.

Hon. David A. Hardy, Nevada Alimony: An Important Policy in Need of a Coherent Policy Purpose, 9 NEV. LAW JOURNAL 325 (2009).

Hon. David A. Hardy, Who is Guarding the Guardians? A Localized Call for Improved Guardianship Systems and Monitoring, 4 NAELA JOURNAL 1 (2008) (Awarded the John J. Regan Writing Award for best original article of the year).

Hon. David A. Hardy, Nevada Unified Family Court: Nevada Family Court System is Committed to Families, NEVADA LAWYER, Aug. 2008, at 14.

Hon. David A. Hardy, We the People: The Citizens and the Constitution, NEVADA LAWYER, Apr. 2009, at 24.

Hon. David A. Hardy, Judicial Ethics, WASHOE COUNTY WRIT (More than 120 separate ethics essays published as an ongoing series, beginning March 2007 and continuing through 2020).

Hon. David A. Hardy, Nevada Registry of Advance Directives for Health Care, WASHOE COUNTY WRIT, Jun. 2008, at 10.

Hon. David A. Hardy, Media Access to Nevada Judicial Proceedings, WASHOE COUNTY WRIT, Jan. 2008, at 8.

Note, Conversion From Chapter 13 to Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code: What Constitutes Property of the Post-Conversion Estate? 1992 B.Y.U. L. Rev. 110.

Judicial Administration. Judge Hardy has been involved with a number of committees and organizations, such as:

- Chief Judge, Second Judicial District Court (2011-2015)
- Presiding Judge, Family Division, Second Judicial District Court (2007-2010)
- Presiding Judge, Veterans Court (2016)
- President, Nevada District Judges Association (2013)
- Trustee, Nevada District Judges Association (2010-2013)
- Chair, Judicial Education Requirements Study Committee
- Chair, Washoe Regional Judicial Council
- Trustee, Washoe County Law Library
- Supreme Court Article 6 Commission
- Nevada Judicial Code Commission
- Nevada Standing Committee on Judicial Ethics
- Nevada Judicial Council
- Nevada State-Federal Council
- Emeritus Master, American Inns of Court
- Nevada State Bar CLE Publication Planning Committee
- Executive Council, Nevada Bar Family Law Section
- Executive Council, Nevada Bar Elder Law Section
- Nevada Supreme Court Judicial Performance Evaluation Subcommittee
- CASA Advisory Board
- Board Member, Special Advocates for Elders

Law Practice Experience. Judge Hardy clerked for Nevada Supreme Court Justice Thomas Steffen after law school, and returned to the Nevada Supreme Court as a principal staff attorney between 1996 and 1999. Judge Hardy was certified as an elder law attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation (approved by the Nevada State Bar and American Bar Association's Standing Committee on Specialization). During his varied practice, Judge Hardy provided substantial pro bono services for the Washoe County Senior Law Project, Washoe County Public Guardian, and Sierra Regional Center. He received the 2002 Pro Bono Award from the Washoe County Senior Law Project, and his law firm was named 2002 Pro Bono Law Firm of the Year by the Washoe County Access to Justice Foundation.

Community. Judge Hardy is involved with many community service endeavors. He was on the Community Advisory Board for the University of Nevada, Reno, Sanford Center for Aging, and served as a member of the Northwest Neighborhood Advisory Board. Judge Hardy also served several years as an appointed member of the Reno Board of Adjustments. He currently serves as President of the Board of Directors for the Veterans Guest House.

Military. Judge Hardy enlisted in the U.S. Army after high school and served in a variety of locations and capacities, to include active-duty service in Korea, reserve Airborne service in the 19th Group Special Forces, Utah National Guard, and Army Reserve service in the 85th JAG Detachment.

Judge Hardy has been married since 1986 and is the father of three daughters.