Jury Commissioner's Office

Jury Service Information

Reporting Information

The information below is only applicable to prospective jurors who have received a BLUE or GREEN Jury Reporting Notification POSTCARD which includes an assigned group number and reporting date.

Please review the front and back of the postcard for instructions.

Try scrolling left/right if table appears cut off
Group Number Reporting Date Reporting Time Reporting Location / Status
1032 Monday, March 31, 2025 Your jury service obligation is complete. You DO NOT need to report.
1033 Monday, March 31, 2025 08:30 AM 75 COURT STREET
1034 Monday, March 31, 2025 Your service has been postponed to April 14, 2025. Please check back after 06:00 PM on April 11, 2025
1035 Monday, March 31, 2025 Your service has been postponed to April 14, 2025. Please check back after 06:00 PM on April 11, 2025
1036 Monday, March 31, 2025 Your service has been postponed to April 14, 2025. Please check back after 06:00 PM on April 11, 2025
1037 Monday, March 31, 2025 Your service has been postponed to April 14, 2025. Please check back after 06:00 PM on April 11, 2025

Jury Summons

If you have been summoned for jury service in the Second Judicial District Court, Washoe County, please complete the questionnaire and return it in the postage paid envelope. Retain the top portion, "NOTICE TO EMPLOYER"; this should be given to your place of employment, supervisor, or Human Resources Department.

If you are responding to a jury questionnaire, you will need to have the following information:
  • Badge Number
  • Birth Date

Once the information on your questionnaire is verified, you will receive a reporting notification card approximately 10 days prior to your reporting date. Please read the instructions on the postcard carefully.

The right of a trial by jury is the privilege and duty of every person in the United States. This right is guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Nevada, which provides "the right of trial by Jury shall be secured to all and remain inviolate forever."

"The American system of trial by jury is unique. No other nation relies so heavily on ordinary citizens to make its most important decisions about law, business practice and personal liberty - even death. Ideally, Americans take their participation seriously lest they someday stand before their peers seeking justice." -- Stephen J. Adler, journalist and author

Juror Qualifications

Pursuant to NRS 6.020, upon satisfactory proof, made by affidavit or otherwise, the following-named persons, and no others, are exempt from service as grand or trial jurors:
  • While the Legislature is in session, any member of the Legislature or any employee of the Legislature or the Legislative Counsel Bureau;
  • Any person who has a fictitious address pursuant to NRS 217.462 to 217.471, inclusive; and
  • Any police officer as defined in NRS 617.135.
  • All persons of the age of 70 years or over are exempt from serving as grand or trial jurors. Whenever it appears to the satisfaction of the court, by affidavit or otherwise, that a juror is over the age of 70 years, the court shall order the juror excused from all service as a grand or trial juror, if the juror so desires.
  • A person who is the age of 65 years or over who lives 65 miles or more from the court is exempt from serving as a grand or trial juror. Whenever it appears to the satisfaction of the court, by affidavit or otherwise, that a juror is the age of 65 years or over and lives 65 miles or more from the court, the court shall order the juror excused from all service as a grand or trial juror, if the juror so desires.

Legal Exemptions From Jury Service

Per Nevada Revised Statute 6.020
Upon satisfactory proof, made by affidavit or otherwise, the following named persons, and no others, are exempt from service as grand or trial jurors:
  • While the Legislature is in session, any member of the Legislature or any employee of the Legislature or the Legislative Counsel Bureau
  • Any person who has a fictitious address pursuant to Nevada Revised Statute 217.0462 to Nevada Revised Statute 217.471, inclusive.
  • All persons of the age of 70 years or older are exempt from serving as grand or trial jurors.
  • Peace officers, as defined per Nevada Revised Statute 617.135
You must state on your questionnaire if you wish to exercise an exemption; they are not automatic.

Term of Service

The Second Judicial District Court is a one-day/one-trial jury system. This means, barring special circumstances, if you are not selected to sit as a juror, your jury service will be completed in one-day. If you are selected to sit as a juror, you must report each day for the duration of the trial, e.g. one-trial. You may be required to call for reporting information over a two-week period, however, you will only appear for service for one day, or serve on one trial. Once your jury obligation is completed you will be released for a period of two (2) years.

Jurors are required to telephone a pre-recorded message to obtain reporting information. If your services are not required per the recorded instructions the first week, you may be automatically rescheduled to the following week. If you are not needed the following week, your service will be ended.

The average trial length in Washoe County is 2 -3 days. Jury selection can take from two (2) to five (5) hours and it may be necessary for you to report to more than one courtroom.

Juror Fees

Per Nevada Revised Statute 6.150, Jurors receive payment only if they are selected to serve on a jury.

Jurors are paid $65.00 a day for jury service.

Jurors will be paid by check within 4 - 6 weeks of jury service

Dress Code

Juror attire should reflect the dignity and professionalism of the court. Please do not wear shorts, tank tops or sweat pants. Sweatshirts or tee shirts with any offensive pictures or statements printed on them should not be worn to court.

The temperature of the courtrooms may fluctuate. Jurors are encouraged to dress accordingly.


Please do not bring your children to court. You should make all personal, family, and business arrangements prior to reporting so that you are prepared for the requirement of jury service.

The Jury Commissioner's Office suggests bringing reading material to occupy your time while you are not in court.

Please refer to our Courtroom Rules for information on prohibited items.

If your address changes, make vacation plans, have a business trip, or change employers please call the Jury Commissioner's Office and report this information.

Jury service can be a lengthy process and you may not receive a break so feel free to bring food items to eat while you wait in the Jury Assembly Room.