Thomas O Craven



Thomas Owen Craven was born in Rocklin, California, on August 31, 1905. He graduated from the University of Nevada-Reno and from Lincoln University Law School. After passing both the Nevada and California bar exams, Craven worked as a law clerk for a short time and then moved to Yerington to practice law. He later served as an assistant U.S. attorney until 1941, when he became U.S. attorney for Nevada during World War II. After the war, he returned to private practice. Judge Craven was appointed as a district court judge for the Second Judicial District Court, May 1st, 1961.

During his time on the bench, Judge Craven was especially concerned about judicial reform. He displayed a keen interest in the welfare of youth, and the courts' methods of dealing with juvenile offenders. Craven was instrumental in the construction of Washoe County's modern juvenile center and in the introduction of reforms in the administration of juvenile justice in Nevada.

Craven was greatly concerned about the education and training of judges. Craven believed the system of electing most judges, rather than appointing them, was an admirable concept, but was not the best method. This system tended to elevate persons in the judiciary who were unschooled in the law and the responsibilities of a judge. Craven thought the solution to this problem was in training. It was for this reason that he pressed so hard to bring the National College of the State Judiciary to the campus of the University of Nevada.

In 1957, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thomas Clark, a close friend of Craven's, helped to form a college for judges in Boulder, Colorado, but it faltered due to a shaky financial foundation. Judge Craven recommended the college be transferred to the University of Nevada-Reno because of assistance provided from the Fleischmann Foundation.

Judge Craven married Margaret Jeanette Crosby on December 29th, 1939; they had two sons. He died January 29th, 1976, at the age of 70.

Second Judicial District Court
75 Court St.
Reno, Nevada, 89501